Will a Fender Strat pick guard fit on a Korean S500 Tribute?

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Will a Fender Strat pick guard fit on a Korean S500 Tribute?

Post by Kenny202 »

Obviously need some modification around the bridge but does anyone know if a strat guard can be made to fit? I am in Thailand and genuine G&L parts not easy to come by.

If I could get a proper G&L pickguard would say a US / INDO Tribute pick guard fit my guitar?
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Re: Will a Fender Strat pick guard fit on a Korean S500 Trib

Post by Craig »

Kenny202 wrote:Obviously need some modification around the bridge but does anyone know if a strat guard can be made to fit? I am in Thailand and genuine G&L parts not easy to come by.

If I could get a proper G&L pickguard would say a US / INDO Tribute pick guard fit my guitar?
As you noted, the Fender Strat pickguard will not directly fit a Korean Tribute S-500.

See this post: S-500 and Legacy Pick Guards.

I recently updated the link to Chandler's Pickguard Heaven website in our Links page.

Hope this helps.
--Craig [co-webmaster of guitarsbyleo.com, since Oct. 16, 2000]
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Re: Will a Fender Strat pick guard fit on a Korean S500 Trib

Post by Kenny202 »

Thanks Craig. I am living in remote Thailand and it appears G&L pick guards of any type are unavailable here without importing so my only choice US Fender strat style pick guard. My S500 is indeed Korean.

Not really concerned how many holes are on the pick guard or where, I can work around that. Can a Fender Strat pick guard be modified (without looking ridiculous) to fit my S500?