Tribute ASAT Bluesboy vs. Tribute ASAT Deluxe II - Jazz Tone

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Tribute ASAT Bluesboy vs. Tribute ASAT Deluxe II - Jazz Tone

Post by jazzguyfromnc »

Hi guys. I'll be buying a new axe soon.

I play jazz exclusively, and have been wanting to get away from the archtop thing. Too big, too much feedback, etc. I played a Tribute ASAT Bluesboy semi-hollow yesterday and loved the jazz tones I was getting from the neck pup. I'm also liking what I've seen of the Tribute ASAT Deluxe II. Does anyone have a comparison of the jazz tones these axes are capable of?

Also, anyone else out there an Ed Bickert fan? :)

Thanks in advance for your help!