The place to discuss, post photos, video, and audio of the G&L products (US instruments, stomp boxes, etc.) produced after 1991, including the amps & gear we use with them.
Hi folks, been trying to find a pedal to go with my 86 ASAT special. I play in an /americana type band and just want to dirty up my sound. I play thro a Vox AC15 and the top-boost channel can do it but sometimes i'm going thro a backline and I'd like a pedal that can do it! I've built a clone WHRL which is near but still has that shrillness that I want rid of!!! I've tried the tone pots all over and pup positions but to no real result. What do you guys use? I know its really hard to define a sound so, sorry in advance
How does the G&L buckshot stand up?
oneeyedog wrote:Hi folks, been trying to find a pedal to go with my 86 ASAT special. I play in an /americana type band and just want to dirty up my sound. I play thro a Vox AC15 and the top-boost channel can do it but sometimes i'm going thro a backline and I'd like a pedal that can do it! I've built a clone WHRL which is near but still has that shrillness that I want rid of!!! I've tried the tone pots all over and pup positions but to no real result. What do you guys use? I know its really hard to define a sound so, sorry in advance
How does the G&L buckshot stand up?
I play my ASAT Special through an AC15 too, and a Boss OD-3 through the normal channel sounds sweet to my ears.
Of course there are squillions of boutique OD pedals out there, but you might as well start the tone quest with something 'mainstream' like the Boss before spending big I reckon.
i would check into a Fulltone OCD, Hot Cake (made by one of the guys who used to be in Split Enz) or or perhaps a Keely modded Boss BD2 (Blues Driver). as mentioned there are a ton of ODs out there. one good resource are the folks on the MusicToyz forum. do a search there for OD's and you'll find a ton of threads, hands on reviews and clips. hope this helps.
Hmmmmm, I have an OCD (pedal and condition) as well as a Zendrive....great pedals ... but you might consider checking this out and see if this doesn't do it for you
It's best to listen on the internet to what flavor you like. For me, I hate hard rock and metal and it was easy to for me to avoid those type of annoying pedals.
The most obvious thing is to listen for is if you like high gain or low gain pedals. Of course it's not always easy. Buy from a reputable place that will refund your money if not satisfied. To add more complications, sometimes high gain and low gain pedals is what you really need and you need that heavy rock sound in non heavy rock style music to add a nice effect.
Nobody said life would be easy but lets be happy that we have G&L in our world today.
Ribsspare wrote:It's best to listen on the internet to what flavor you like. For me, I hate hard rock and metal and it was easy to for me to avoid those type of annoying pedals.
The most obvious thing is to listen for is if you like high gain or low gain pedals. Of course it's not always easy. Buy from a reputable place that will refund your money if not satisfied. To add more complications, sometimes high gain and low gain pedals is what you really need and you need that heavy rock sound in non heavy rock style music to add a nice effect.
Nobody said life would be easy but lets be happy that we have G&L in our world today.
Well, I'm not really sure what you just said...but the deserves a +1
I had an ocd pedal that I unfortunately had to get rid of but it was really nice and extremely versatile. I just found myself reverting back to plugging straight in because I always am playing a little dirty anyhow and rent is pricey.
I've heard great things about Lovepedal too but I haven't checked one out for myself. And a big second on the idea to start with lower end pedals first. There's a reason they sell so many of them and price doesn't always mean something is bad. You could spend half the money to be twice as happy and that's always great.
chedwerks wrote:I had an ocd pedal that I unfortunately had to get rid of but it was really nice and extremely versatile. I just found myself reverting back to plugging straight in because I always am playing a little dirty anyhow and rent is pricey.
I've heard great things about Lovepedal too but I haven't checked one out for myself. And a big second on the idea to start with lower end pedals first. There's a reason they sell so many of them and price doesn't always mean something is bad. You could spend half the money to be twice as happy and that's always great.
Just remember, guys, when you're buying so-called boutique pedals, the vast majority of them are just clones with minor tweaks. Some of them are literally just kits that you could assemble yourself from the build your own clone web site. I agree, start with the lower-priced units from companies like Boss et al and see if they don't get the job done for you. You could spend $100 more for nothing different except a mojo-tastic name and odd pain job.
I have several units from Lovepedal, some are pretty good, but they're pretty much just clones of other pedals with minor tweaks. I'm not saying don't buy them but just be aware that they're not some amazing new thing that nobody else hasn't been offering.
I'll put in my recommendation for the Tim pedal by Paul Cochrane. Mild to medium overdrive, a boost sound that you can add more dirt to if you need it, plus a few other tricks. The amazing thing the Tim does THAT SETS IT APART from so many others is that your guitar still sounds like your guitar---only with more of it. (Paul wired the treble and bass controls in different places than most pedals, so there's no mid-hump; the tone controls actually roll off the bass and trebs.) At $170, it's not the cheapest, but as much as the word "transparency" gets used in OD pedal hype, the Tim really is. And the little brother Timmy sounds almost the same without the boost function for $120. My rec is to order it through Fat Sound guitars (there is a wait, but it's better than it used to be and totally worth it IMHO). I''ve no affiliation, etc. just one extremely happy Comanche player.