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So I bought this black ASAT set up this way with a roller bridge and locking tuners a few years ago. It's become one of my main players. It works great and stays in tune like a champ even when working the Bigsby. I assume it stays in tune so well due to the upgraded hardware. I've got another ASAT with a Bigsby and it's got the stock hardware. It just won't take any action on the Bigsby without going wonky. I want to upgrade it like the ASAT pictured, but for the life of me I can't find the brand of bridge on google. It kind of looks like a Wilkinson, but the ones I've seen don't have holes for the posts. ??? Everything I see just looks like it won't fit right. Anyone have any idea what it is? I don't think it was a custom piece...
Any help is much appreciated!
Here's the one I wanna modify. It's still got the stock setup.
Have you checked the nut? Perhaps one or more strings are hanging up on their nut slot. It might need some lubrication, such as Nut Sauce.
You might apply the lubricant on strings at the saddle, too.
The first link shows the spacing between the strings centers to be 10.4 mm,
73.5 mm between post centers. I've never measured my ASAT bridge but my guess is the same
as what is commonly used for LP...I could be wrong, so triple check the measurements on yours
before ordering.
Others might chime in tomorrow that have more recent experience in ASAT bridge mods.
I've been thinking that, just as Southpaw writes, it looks a lot like the Schaller; what's not clear from the picture is whether the rollers run on threads (i.e. adjustable string spacing is built into the design) or not. The Schaller we're thinking of has threaded rollers. It doesn't have the bolts coming through the top, just as you describe, though it seems possible that a previous owner may drilled it through to create a locking setup? If the bolts tighten down onto the bridge from above, as well as the nuts upward from below, that might be a clue that your mystery bridge may have been modified to do this. That would seem, on the face of it, to be a good idea that could aid stability with a trem. It would require sourcing some suitable bolts for the task however unless Schaller make this setup as an alternative version.
Since we're effectively replacing a "SaddleLock" here, as far as the rest of the guitar's dimensions are concerned, I would think that 54mm overall string spacing E-to-E would be the target, though I'm not sure if G&L kept to this standard with a Bigsby. But if the bridge you have is spaced differently, and is comfortable, then obviously you may well want to simply duplicate that. I'm guessing this from your pics, but going by the pup poles and the fingerboard, your new Asat looks to be spaced narrower than the one that's working well, and perhaps pups and overall playability would work better if things were just a little wider, like the other one? But pics can be very deceptive over this kind of thing; just a thought you might want to keep aware of.
In any case, double-checking the guitar's bridge mounting centres against the Schaller specs would be a good starting point, to see if it would mount properly on the tunematic's fixing centres. If so, you have at least established one quality roller bridge option that would accomodate some adjustability with string spacing rather than just committing you to the tunematic "Gibson" spacing (which is a bit narrow for a G&L/Fender type axe).
As for improving nut slots, I like to "floss" slots with a bit of string of the appropriate gauge for each slot, with a little wipe of metal polish on the string, to gently buff a smooth surface in the slot whilst respecting its back-angle towards the tuners. This not a big deal of working on it, just a gentle, quick polish up. Then clean the slots out, ideally with a gentle solvent like naphtha on a cotton bud (while keeping this off the finish) and then adding a very small amount of Nut Sauce when fitting the string. This "flossing" is usually a once-only, and certainly not a regular maintenance task.
TNF, I have been working this same issue on my Z-3. It is not a nut issue. I replaced the stock bridge with the Schaller roller and it helped but did not solve the problem. My Z-3 works great on dives and always returns to tune. If you raise the handle it will return sharp. Ihave measured and I am going to install a Jazzmaster type bridge on my Z-3. I will have to make sleeves for the cups to fit into. I just have not done it yet. The holes bored in the body do not fit the cups. I may even use brass shims to accomplish the correct fit. If you do some research on the Jazzmaster bridge you will find that it is a true pivot bridge. I may try to find some body bushings that fit the original holes in the guitar and drill them out to fit the Jazzmaster cups. This would be almost a drop in for you Special. Hope this isn't too confusing.-- Darwin