Last week, I ordered a new Tribute ASAT Special on sale from a Sydney dealer. She arrived yesterday & I was truly shocked at the fantastic quality! My hopes weren’t too high, since all my other G&L’s are USA made… also, after I ordered it, I researched that the body was likely to be made from basswood. It was advertised as being swamp ash, but, …it’s painted black, so It's more likely to be basswood. I've since lost my Tribute & basswood fears in one swoop!
The neck really has an uncanny profile/feel resemblance to my USA maple-neck Legacy. According to the serial number, she was made in Korea in late 2006, although the large headstock decal & bridge resemble the Indonesian models. (Obviously sold as NOS). She weighs in at 8.8 pounds, and certainly does have an ash like tone, but whatever the wood is, I wouldn’t change a thing! I love the saddle lock bridge… best sustain I’ve ever heard on a guitar. After setting her up to my taste & lowering the pickups to the sweet spot, I’m seriously enamored by my first ASAT encounter. She’s a keeper & sits proudly in my herd!
Pictures following to prove her existence...