Just got my first G&L on Saturday (legacy content)

Tue May 11, 2010 8:34 pm

My belair green G&L Legacy USA, it's serial number is CLF31315, so I believe it is from late 2003 or sometime in 2004, I'm too nervous to take the neck off and look.......been strat shopping and saw this behind the counter at a Mom & Pop guitar store in rural Virginia while visiting my parents, asked if I could play it and it played as well if not better than the $2000 custom shop fenders at my local store in Kentucky, and it was less than half the price. I had to have it.


sounds like a dream with a Tiny Terror and 1X12

Re: Just got my first G&L on Saturday (legacy content)

Tue May 11, 2010 9:43 pm

Welcome. That's a nice lookin' Legacy. It sounds like it lives up to its looks too.
What you said about the G&L sounding as good as the Fender Custom Shop offerings seems to be a very widely held opinion. Without a doubt, there's value in these here axes.
If I were you, I wouldn't bother taking off the neck. If it were a more vintage guitar, then perhaps it would be a nice thing for posterity. However, it's less than 10 years old, and you aren't comfortable with taking off the neck, don't bother. It's not difficult; you just have to be careful. Did you check the Registry? Perhaps it's there and the previous owner had removed the neck for dates. You certainly want to keep the neck removals to a minimum, IMHO. Good luck.

Re: Just got my first G&L on Saturday (legacy content)

Tue May 11, 2010 10:39 pm

I actually put it in the registry, just without a date. it wasn't in there yet.

Re: Just got my first G&L on Saturday (legacy content)

Wed May 12, 2010 5:21 am

Great looking guitar, and a great find!

I was nervous about taking the neck off mine when I got it, too. But to be honest, it wasn't a big deal at all, I was just careful to tighten the screws down evenly when I put it back on.