NGD to me: National Resonator Guitar

Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:52 pm

HI All,

I went to the guitar show up here in San Mateo. I took the motorbike so I wouldn't be able to take anything home, so I wouldn't buy anything. WRONG!!! :lol:

This guy had a brass National Guitar TENOR resonator guitar. It seems to be from the mid 1930s, best as I can tell from the SN. It's in rough but playable condition, the back is dented, probably from somebody's head. But it is not broken.

I have wanted a brass guitar from National for a very long time, but I can not afford one. This thing was the right price and the right amount of funky that I went home and came back in the car just to get this one guitar.

Pix tomorrow, don't worry.


PS: Now I understand why you people want a tenor G&L. :D

Re: NGD to me: National Resonator Guitar

Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:14 am

Great find Ed. I have taken the motorcycle to guitar stores to save myself and it has never worked!--Darwin

Re: NGD to me: National Resonator Guitar

Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:03 am

See?? I have a photo, therefore it is real.

What you can't see are: 1) The finish is pretty worn & pitted. 2) There is a big dent on the back, at the bottom. Dented but not broken.


It has good sustain for a reso guitar. I am a bit surprised. I am going to tune it to open D and see what happens.

