Guitar Stand Question

Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:45 pm

I have a question on guitar stands. I have noticed 3 types of stands. One which I currently have has a back support that comes up to the top of the guitar body. Two where the back support comes up to around the bottom of the neck and the neck sits in a U shape bracket so it can not slide right or left and fall over. Three same concept as number two but it goes all the way to the top of the neck.

My question is this which stand is better for the guitar the stand the doesn't not touch the neck or one that does (for better support from tipping). I was wonder if the stands that touch the neck puts pressure on the neck causing it to move?


Re: Guitar Stand Question

Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:52 am

Hi Jeff,

IMO you don't have to worry about the stand touching the neck and exerting pressure. The stress on the neck(joint) is way larger when you would hang the guitar by its headstock on a wall bracket. And that is no problem for a guitar either. So then the choice comes down to safety. Personally, I like the neck support because it is so much harder (not impossible) to tip over the guitar. But you hardly can go wrong with with either of the 3 options you describe.

A different thing is leaving your guitar permanently in a stand. Especially for nitro finished guitars there are stories of discoloration due to interactions between the finish and the (neoprene) rubber sleeves and even deformation due to the finish flowing around the pressure point (see e.g. this post in a different forum. I believe this is less of a concern with polyurethane finishes.

Hope this helps,

- Jos

Re: Guitar Stand Question

Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:21 am


Thanks for the reply I never really though about the finish. I leave my guitar on the stand almost all of the time so it is easier for me to pick up the guitar and practices in between running around.


Re: Guitar Stand Question

Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:40 pm

As far as stands go, these are great (the one in the top right, not bottom left, no experience with that one)

Sturdier than most of those U neck + bottom support, very small, and they fold flat.

Re: Guitar Stand Question

Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:16 pm

i like the guitar stands that lock the neck and have a very sturdy base, but for home use, hang it on the wall. the safest choice and still available to play any time.

Re: Guitar Stand Question

Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:19 am

louis cyfer wrote:i like the guitar stands that lock the neck and have a very sturdy base, but for home use, hang it on the wall. the safest choice and still available to play any time.
