Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:57 am

Hey gang............
Been a stranger around here. Just checking in on a rainy Saturday morning.
It's storming here, which is really going to put the dampers on the Mardi Grad parades that are scheduled to roll. :(

I've been a busy beaver lately. Between projects at work, trying to complete my bands debut cd, and other madness that's happened, I haven't had much time to check in.
I hope everyone is okay, and still enjoying their G&Ls!

I'm still digging my F100 and S-500. I haven't played either in a while, so I got them out the other day and put them through their paces. I was reminded of just how stellar
those guitars are.

Anyhow....I'll try to pop in more often!



Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:45 am

Hey Shawn! Long time no see and welcome back.

Guess that a literal rain on a parade which is too bad and good luck finishing up the CD. Curious about the results.

- Jos

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:56 am

[url][/url]Hey Jos...thanks!
Yep, they are cancelling some of the parades for today. 60mph wind is not conducive to safe parading!!
The cd is actually finished and has been released. It's about 6 months later than we hoped. Had a few
pitfalls and technical glitches we had to contend with.

If you'd like to check it out, it's up on CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon right now.

Not a whole lot of G&L content on the cd. I used my S500 for a couple of songs, but it's mostly Gretch, Tele and Reverend Club King..
The song "Lonesome Tears In My Eyes" is 100% S-500!!! :thumbup:

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:24 pm

Hey Shawn, just downloaded your album, there's no fat on it all. It sounds great, really nice guitar sounds on it too - is that your Gretsch amp?

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:35 pm

i checked it out, sounds good. it is an evil website though, it does not let you come back from it.

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:43 am

blargfromouterspace wrote:Hey Shawn, just downloaded your album, there's no fat on it all. It sounds great, really nice guitar sounds on it too - is that your Gretsch amp?

Nope, that's my Reverend Kingsnake. I got the Gretsch after we had finished the guitar tracking.
I wanted to re-record everything, but we had everything mixed, and there just wasn't time.

Thanks for getting the album!
Really appreciate it! :thumbup:

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:46 am

louis cyfer wrote:i checked it out, sounds good. it is an evil website though, it does not let you come back from it.

'preciate it!

Album's also on itunes and Amazon if anyone wants to get it and doesn't wanna use CdBaby.
What I hate about all of these sites is that they make you login. Can't just go, buy and album and be on your way.

Re: Mardi Gras greetings from the rainy south!

Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:03 pm

shawn500 wrote:
louis cyfer wrote:i checked it out, sounds good. it is an evil website though, it does not let you come back from it.

'preciate it!

Album's also on itunes and Amazon if anyone wants to get it and doesn't wanna use CdBaby.
What I hate about all of these sites is that they make you login. Can't just go, buy and album and be on your way.

yeah, they want to get their data mining along the way. and they really don't want you to be able to use your back button to get out of there. the reverend sounds really good, i am not sure the gretch would have been a significant improvement. i dig the tone, nice bite, a little angry, sound good to me. the kingsanke is designed to have less gain on the lower strings than the higher ones, and i think that really works well for you.