Firebird X

Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:16 pm

I know most people think the new Gibson Firebird X is
hideously ugly. But it's the first Gibson guitar I've
ever liked the looks of. I think putting all that electronics
onboard is a huge mistake. But the guitar's form factor
is the most revolutionary guitar design in decades IMO.

I wish G&L would try something radical like this in
the way of a new form factor for the body and
pickups. Heck I wish they would rip off the body/headstock
design of the Firebird X and put it into a 25.5" scale with
the G&L build quality. Or any body that makes ergonomic
sense and radical. I bet the Firebird X feel (skip the electronics)
is awesome.

No I'm not about to buy a Gibson and certainly not a $5+k Gibson.
I'm thinking about a 21st century ASAT along the lines of the
Firebird X in the sense of being radical.

If Leo were anything he was radical and a trail blazer.

Re: Firebird X

Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:34 am

I had the opportunity to hold one and look it over a couple of weeks ago. The top grain and finish was stunning. It is certainly a tecno approach but really is a slick guitar. They are available for $4000. The input about them on the Gibson site is dismal to say the least but I wouldn't consider any of it objective. I have a feeling that these will be heavily discounted within a couple of years and go the way of the Robot and the Edsel. At that time I may pick one up as owning an Edsel is cool. A salesman was explaining how modern guitarists are really going to jump on this technology. How many of you are using a blue tooth tuner? Also how many of you are using a Fender Cyber Twin SE? ( I have one). Maybe I can pair it up with my Cyber Twin SE in a couple of years as equipment from the good old days! I could be wrong. Any huge offers on my vintage Cyber Twin SE??-- Darwin

Re: Firebird X

Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:59 am

Is this a typo?
(from gibson's website)
"Thanks to advances in low-power circuitry, greater Robo-Tuner efficiency, and powersaving techniques derived from laptop computers, the internal battery lasts for well over two hours of heavy, continuous use — and should the power run out, the battery can be swapped out in under 10 seconds with commonly available, inexpensive camcorder batteries."
...two hours battery life would suck, they must mean two hundred??
..and should I worry about my guitar catching fire? (laptop battery tech ?!)...maybe wait for a
Firebird XI,

Interesting creation, I can see them heavily discounted too as Darwin said. It seems almost like too much crammed into what could have been a simpler ergonomic guitar.

Of all the features , I'd like to a see a piezo/hex integration into a G&L design that could feed
a modeler or computer ...that arena of products is sure to keep expanding , and someday it will REALLY work good


Re: Firebird X

Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:14 am

Elwood, I think that is correct as I believe they come with more than one rechargable battery. With the robot tuners and piezo, there is a large furnace to keep running. Throwaway alkaline batteries last considerably longer than a single charge on a camcorder type battery. There is also a voltage difference between rechageable and alkaline throwaways so that may also be why they use camcorder type batteries. Speculation only-- Darwin

Re: Firebird X

Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:18 pm

Good observations, I had forgot about the robot tuners.

next step ?...a guitar that recharges via stage lights with solar cells : )

Maybe in fifty years there will be a nuclear option, I'd definitely wait for version 2.0 of that one.


Re: Firebird X

Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:38 pm

When I first heard about the Firebird X it reminded me of this...

The only Gibsons I have ever been tempted by tend to get discontinued....

Re: Firebird X

Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:08 am

I always have to wonder what goes on in the boardroom when a company unveils something they consider to be revoultionary and a technological leap forward and it's received with such disdain by the public! I don't have any problems with Gibson as a company...I love my Les Paul Studio. But they've put out a number of guitars in the past few years that leave me perplexed!

Re: Firebird X

Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:52 am

This might be the first time I have ever seen positive comments on the firewood X

Re: Firebird X

Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:01 am

Guitar players (including myself :?) are usually very conservative concerning changes. Remarkable.

Re: Firebird X

Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:11 pm

sirmyghin wrote:This might be the first time I have ever seen positive comments on the firewood X

I saw one on the gear page earlier this year. ;)

I think G&L ought to hang a sign in their offices that reads "What Would Gibson Do" and then do the opposite of whatever that is

just kidding .... sorta :?

Re: Firebird X

Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:49 pm

LOL. I could just see a Firebird smoking on stage.