Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:26 am

I opened what looked like an innocent post this morning and I think that they were unable to read the rules on posting porn!. I am again a Gibson Owner. This came up on the local CL and I have a fondness for CAR and this is the smallest flake CAR Red that I have ever seen. I have too many Fenders and I traded a 57 Surf Green Strat Reissue for this as I had two 57 reissues. You Les Paul lovers will not be jonesing over this one but it kind of cool and you do not see this color on a Gibson very often. It is nice with the Gold hardware. I played it and it sounds like a GIbson, certainly not my favorite and the neck feels large. It will be wall art anyway. It is a SG Diablo, a carved top SG.-- Darwin


Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:05 am

Nice one Darwin ! Lots of curves on that one, the red suits it well.

Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:48 am

Darwin, I love you how you can walk in a guitar store, buy the one you think is pretty, and never talk about how it plays :happy0007: . You continually skip the important part :lol:

Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:31 pm

Sirmy, I understand your thoughts. The guy that owned this stopped by last night and I played it and really checked it over. It is setup very well, has hybrid strings(10-50) and sounds awesome unplugged. I am not a Gibson tone lover and it sounds like a Gibson plugged in. It also has a larger neck than I am used to but nothing like a 51 nocaster. I actually like it. I traded a 2007 57 Strat reissue that was pristine like this guitar and I cannot tell you how many guitars I have looked at , advertised to be perfect and have come home empty handed. Pristine is a condition that is hard to find. The Diablo is a product of Gibsons new marketing strategy. In 2008 it was a guitar of the month. Big deal? Nope. Today Gibson is marketing artist models, one after the other. Big deal? Nope. I question if these artists actually play any of these guitars that they endorse. It is a known fact that some of the artists have custom builds made by others than the manufacturer they endorse. Anyway, this guitar is not a gigger and I am taking a chance that it will appreciate more than the 57 reissue, but I could be wrong. Gibsons seem to have mass appeal and I don't know why. The key is to buy guitars right and I had bought the 57 reissue very right. Most of my guitars will keep up with inflation and in todays world, that isn't such a bad deal. I have purchased some new G&L's recently and the odds of recovering the investment is slim to none. But there is a value of owning them to me that is hard to put a price on. I gig less than eight of my guitars and the rest I test drive, polish, fondle a bit and put back on the wall. The art value of these guitars is something that I cannot put a price on. This may seem sick to some of you young dudes but as we age, some things become more important to us and we finally have resources to pursue what we really like. Besides at my age it is okay to get a little goofy!! We have earned it and Ginny didn't like Surf Green anyway and said that I didn't have to get Red. She likes it but says that I have too many Red ones. This is the second time I keyed this dissertation in as the cat jumped on the keyboard when I was posting it the first time and I lost it. I may have had some profound information in that first post that I could not remember in this post but that could very well be my loss and your gain-- Darwin :shocked003:

Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:38 pm

Hmmm. Dunno about that one Darwin. Sure if different!

It reminds me of a guitar owned by my dad, one of these ones.


Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:50 pm

Blarg, what are they??? I agree with your pawn shop opinion. They take advantage of people who are down and out. __ Darwin

Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:01 pm

They're Ibanez Maxxas'. For some reason they've become collectible??? Razor thin neck. Humongous frets. A shredders dream. Dad got it really cheap in about '95. The case smelled absolutely awful when he got it, I think they used fish glue on it, either that or there was a fish left in the lining somewhere.... Even after all these years it still stinks!

Re: Guitar Porn (Real)

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:23 pm


All I can say is this: get yourself a Deluxe Edition of the Who's Live at Leeds and starts learning the windmill ;) Was listening to it yesterday once more and was once more blown away by what Pete Townsend is able to wring out of his SG. Yeah, I know. His has 2 P-90's but only guitar nuts will notice that.

Nice score my friend :happy0065:

- Jos