Boutique Pedals? How About Fauxtique Pedals

Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:50 pm

this might interest avid pedal buyers ... edals.html

Last edited by ieso on Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:29 pm

Great article dude, I have seen a lot of the BYOC builders and such, I picked up on that pretty quick. Built myself an OD2 recently even. I have never understood a lot of that boutique pedal craze but whatever makes people happy. I suppose I will be getting a Strymon blue sky soon, but that at least is hardly a copy.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:36 pm

sirmyghin wrote:Great article dude, I have seen a lot of the BYOC builders and such, I picked up on that pretty quick. Built myself an OD2 recently even. I have never understood a lot of that boutique pedal craze but whatever makes people happy. I suppose I will be getting a Strymon blue sky soon, but that at least is hardly a copy.

Thanks, sirmyghin

Yeah, I need to get handy with the soldering iron just to save myself some money and also to have fun.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:55 am

What a great post. I own two pedals. One is the BYOC British Blues Overdrive ( based on Marshall bluesbreaker ) and a Boss RC-2 loop station. I had a lot of fun building the pedal and learned some things too. A critical thinker might suspect that there were a lot of grey areas regarding pedals based souly on the the shear number of "manufacturers". I always make the mistake of giving people too much credit. Again, thanks for the great post.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:54 am

glvourot wrote:What a great post. I own two pedals. One is the BYOC British Blues Overdrive ( based on Marshall bluesbreaker ) and a Boss RC-2 loop station. I had a lot of fun building the pedal and learned some things too. A critical thinker might suspect that there were a lot of grey areas regarding pedals based souly on the the shear number of "manufacturers". I always make the mistake of giving people too much credit. Again, thanks for the great post.

I'm kinda the same way: tend to give people too much credit. I tend to be a bit naively optimistic about folks but, when it comes to $, I guess you have to be a hard boiled cynic.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:49 am

By the way, forgot to add the Joyo thing was fun, it was good to see the 'gear heads' get all worked up. As far as being a bit naive, I was that recently with a guitar, never again.

Re: Fauxtique Pedals

Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:45 pm

sirmyghin wrote:By the way, forgot to add the Joyo thing was fun, it was good to see the 'gear heads' get all worked up. As far as being a bit naive, I was that recently with a guitar, never again.

LOL. The Joyo pedals were 'criminal' enough but what F blues did to them is insane. You should see the photos of what they did with the paint and the goop to those things. Wow. :o

Re: Boutique Pedals? How About Fauxtique Pedals

Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:14 pm

I've updated this article a couple of times since my original posting. Enjoy ... edals.html


Re: Boutique Pedals? How About Fauxtique Pedals

Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:57 pm

I find it totally ludicrous that these guys have a right to threaten discussion forums with legal action when they are, in essence, con men. Imagine if you went to a BMW dealership and came home in a nice new M3. When you get out an close the door the BMW badge falls off and your car that you just paid top dollar for not only looks like but actually is an '84 Honda Civic. Same thing.

I fully appreciate that you cant own the right to an electronic circuit but to simply rebadge a far cheaper product is just beyond belief.

They deserve to be named and shamed. Shame on you, Freekish Blues.