A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 9:42 am

I reached a high point in my career as a musician tonight when I received a 'high five' from a beautiful girl after one of my guitar solos. What more could a guy want?!?!

Anyone else have something similar happen?

I'm still waiting for the day when I play to a crowd in which girls are sitting on somebodys shoulders with their top off. But until then, I'm happy

Re: A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 9:56 am

blargfromouterspace wrote:... What more could a guy want?!?!

Not saying anything .... not saying anything ... ;)

- Jos

Re: A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 10:18 am

blargfromouterspace wrote:I'm still waiting for the day when I play to a crowd in which girls are sitting on somebodys shoulders with their top off. But until then, I'm happy

Does that ever happen with country? :lol:

Cool stuff Blarg. I play bass out, if given the chance so I doubt I would elicit much spotlight.

Re: A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 11:52 am

blargfromouterspace wrote:What more could a guy want?!?!

Jamie, you may soon find yourself in a situation similar to what happened to Unknown Hinson. Here'a how he handled it:


Re: A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 5:00 pm

Oh my, gig stories.

Well, there was one gig I was doing solo years ago when a drunk (but very attractive) middle-aged woman came into the bar, walked up to the stage and grabbed "my package"!!! No warning! YE---OWWWH! Probably would have been an easy conquest, but she got 86'ed from the bar immediately. Doesn't matter, I'm throwing that one on the negative pile anyway!

I've worked in a couple of bars where it was "usual and customary" for the girls to flash the band; and that's always fun and enjoyable--until your wife or GF decides she's going to come to the gig with you. Ooops! Cat-fight! "Sorry Hon, I guess I forgot to mention that, and yes it is disgusting!" BUSTED!

Sometimes, even more fun is when a girl will be dancing in front of the stage, and she just gives you that look. She might even be with a date, but she's giving you the look, telling you she's affected--that the primal instincts have come around--and maybe even starting to get in the way of her original plans for the evening. She's not going to do anything, but it can be fun!


But one of the funniest stories happened with my current band playing in a bar down in Newport, Oregon (on the Pacific Coast) a few years ago during Newport's Wine and Seafood festival.

I've got a couple of G&Ls with me, along with my HoneyBurst Les Paul 1960 Classic Plus. It is a gorgeous guitar--lots of flame, fast neck, and a sweet tone. I've got it strapped on, and we're rocking.

The guys as usual are just kinda standing around the dance floor, with their drinks, watching the band. The women are wanting to dance--but the guys aren't asking. So there's four or five very hot, very drunk, nubile young women in tight revealing outfits dancing on the dance floor, either in pairs or by themselves,...and unbelievable moves. I'm older than dirt, and I seem to be having trouble concentrating on the words to the songs! All these girls need is a pole, for a real show. But none of these 20-something young "studs" (I question that!!!) are jumping in on the fun!!

So in the middle of one song, I just happend to look away from the floor show, to see this one guy and his buddy staring at me; there arms folded with their beers in hand. One of the guys leans over to his buddy, and goes, "Dude! That's a REAL Les Paul!!!


Well, I guess when you got a guitar obsession, nothing else matters!


Same bar. The women's bathroom is down a corridor next to the stage to my right. It just has one stall. The line is about ten girls long. All of the girls are standing there, swaying sexy to the music...very hot. Until I realize this one woman isn't dancing, she's GOTTA GO...hopping on one foot! We kinda connected eye to eye, and she knew that I knew and smiled a little smile. Well, on her way out she touched my arm and let me know over the music that she made it in time!!! Yea!! Another quick little smile and she was gone into the crowd. Cute!


And then there was the time with Seatle band years ago when four young girls got up on stage with us and danced. It was a good sized stage, but with the four extra participants, we were seriously crammed together. The girl on my right arm was very full-figured, busty and hippy. Though not the prettiest of the bunch, she was the nicest dressed, and smelled like a million bucks. She looked very elegant, probably in her office dress; and I could tell she had a really out-going personality. She had a round face, with her dark hair pulled back--think Bristol Palin, but CLASSY.

So anyway, she's dancing away, and her front bumpers are practically beating my right arm to death! It kinda got to the point where there was less dancing, and more just pure rubbing!!! I liked it!!!! And the woman on my left is totally into it--she's skinny as a rail with an athletic build, and good thing because I would not have been able to see the neck of my guitar if she had been busty. Our drummer is going nuts because she's shaking her cute little behind practically right in the middle of his kit. LOL!

At the end of the song, the girls are getting off the stage, and we're all going, "Wait! Come back! I love you!" I notice the round-faced girl has gotten a bit of a flush and she's all dewy, and she now has little bumps on her big bumps showing through her dress. As she leaves the dance floor, she turns and blows me kiss!!

And damn if they didn't get back to their table and leave!!! How could they do that!!! NOT FAIR!!!! LOL!!! I felt USED!!!! LOL!!!

Ah, as Bill Withers sings, "You just keep on using me,...till you use me up!"


Over the years, I've had a lot of women waiting for me at the end of the show, and I certainly wasn't above taking advantage of the situation back in my younger days.

One of the really odd stories, was that I saw these two really nice looking ladies and went and sat with them on my break. The one, I connected with instantly, just really cute--twinkling eyes, great smile, terrific body. If it was possible, the other woman was even prettier, but she must have had a chip on her shoulder or something. Almost everything I said, she took issue with--like she was just looking for someone to argue with. Meanwhile, the first woman and I are really connecting.

Well, at the end of the night, guess who left and guess who stayed? Yep, the woman who wanted to argue with me all night long. She definitely had one thing on her mind, and I guess perhaps she found it challenging that I hadn't backed down to her all night. Turned into a one night stand that I have some regrets about. And I have always wondered about the one that got away--wondering if that might have turned into something really special.

But if anything, I learned that there's just no predicting what a woman will do!

And many more stories.....


Re: A career highlight.

Sat May 14, 2011 7:07 pm

sirmyghin wrote: Does that ever happen with country? :lol:

I was with the soul band last night. It doesn't happen at our regular country gigs and I'm glad - most of the women in the crowd are old enough to be my grandmother. I'm not kidding. Once there were two women in the front row who knitted all night, stoping only to clap along during 'Copperhead Road'. However, we have a big show this coming weekend at a 'B&S', which will be attended by a lot of younger people, so fingers crossed!

Boogie Bill wrote:I've worked in a couple of bars where it was "usual and customary" for the girls to flash the band

Bill, thank you so much for sharing those excellent stories.

Frank - Unknown Hinson is awesome. His jokes come up every week at practice! My girlfriend would neuter me if I had a girl in the dressing room, even if we were just eating cheeseburgers!

Re: A career highlight.

Sun May 15, 2011 10:35 am

At every gig over the past 4 (or is it 5?) years I've sported a kilt. During that time I've had several unsolicited "kilt checks." For those who aren't up on the kilt thing, a "kilt check" is a hand reaching up under the kilt checking for an undergarment. Highland protocol is to go "regimental"--no underware. I'm a strict follower of the protocol. That means I've passed all kilt checks! So, while a high five is good, a low five is something truly special. ;-)

Re: A career highlight.

Sun May 15, 2011 10:55 am

GDub wrote:So, while a high five is good, a low five is something truly special. ;-)

:happy0007: Yo da man! (And apparently you pass that test with flying colors).

- Jos

Re: A career highlight.

Mon May 16, 2011 2:14 pm

How many steps past having people throw stuff is all this business anyway? Must keep practicing....

Re: A career highlight.

Mon May 16, 2011 3:53 pm

Ah, throwing things......

I made a joke one night about people throwing money, and some a-hole threw a nickel at the stage and it hit the face of my then pristine 1972 Martin D-18. Left two very ugly opposing crescents on the face of my guitar. I got him kicked out of the bar, but that was little compensation for the damage done.

Lesson learned: Be careful what you say about throwing money!!!


Also back in the mid-Seventies, I was in a bar that I had been playing at for several months, and knew most of the patrons by name. Small town, nice bar, but mostly working class. I actually had a guy, sitting wih his buddies, as a joke, ask the waitress for a whole tomato. She's stupid enough to bring it, and he instantly ups and throws it at me--hard. Looking into the stage lights, I didn't see it until the last second, and ducked just in time. It would have hit me square in the face but landed on the wall behind me, splattering tomato over every piece of gear I own--amp, guitars, PA, pedals--and ME--a total mess.

Waitress is standing there in shock. They're all laughing and snickering. It's quiet for about three seconds, and then like a wave nearly everybody stands up and closed in on this table. Bartender is about 6'2" and close to 300 lbs., sweetest guy ever, but he LOOKS like the kinda guy that you wouldn't ever wanna meet in a dark alley. The manager gets right in their faces and wants to know who threw it and it takes about 0.2 seconds for the guy's buddies to rat him out. Manager kicks them out. The guy's like, "Well we were just havin' some fun. What's the problem? It don't mean nothing."

The lame-ass excuses start and stop, and with about 15 guys standing over him, you can see he's starting to get scared. Manager asks for the guy's wallet and he turns it over and they escort him out the door, telling him that he can come back for his wallet and his ID when he has the money for the clean-up. It's that or the cops. Nobody lays a hand on him and he takes off. Then the manager wants to know what I did or said that provoked this guy, and everybody says nothing, so we're good. The manager gives me the money in the guys wallet, I think it was $40-$60. I had to take a 45 minute break to get stuff wiped down, but I eventually finished the night and got out of there. Lot of folks put money in the tip jar that night; but it seemed like I was cleaning up tomato seeds out of my gear for weeks.

The jerk comes back a few days later I guess and the manager charged him $250 for the clean-up and the guy pays it and apologizes.

Lesson learned: It is a good thing to make friends with your bartender and your customers!!!


And I actually had a guy pull a .357 Magnum cause he though I was messing with his waitress girlfriend... didn't point it at me, but scared the crap outta me!

We'll leave this one for another time....


Re: A career highlight.

Tue May 17, 2011 3:54 pm

Great Stories Bill,

Thanks for sharing. I once took a nice young lady up on the offer of breakfast and a drink after a show. I helped pack our gear in the Lincoln (my brother had an old town car) but I took my guitar. Can you see where this is going :?:

So i enjoyed breakfast and a few after gig toddies...then caught a little shuteye. Got up the next day at the butt-crack of dawn, as is my custom no matter how late I get to sleep, and hit the road. A few hours later I realized that I had left my guitar in her car. I had to go back and sit on the curb at her place until she got home so I could get my guitar back...

Re: A career highlight.

Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm

Ouch! Hope you got to know her better :evilgrin:
- Jos

Re: A career highlight.

Wed May 18, 2011 7:21 am

And I actually had a guy pull a .357 Magnum cause he though I was messing with his waitress girlfriend

:shock: Were you cutting the rug at a place called the jug with a girl named Linda lou? :lol:

Great stories Bill, thanks for sharing!

Jamie, looking forward to an update after your gig, good luck!


Re: A career highlight.

Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:37 pm

Dave_P wrote:Jamie, looking forward to an update after your gig, good luck!

Finally got some photos back today. Here's a cleverly edited comic strip.

First, I said hello to the crowd.

They said hello back

Then I played a solo

...and some girls fell in love

They hatched a cunning plan to get us to play 'Summer of '69'....

....and it was very persuasive - Alright!!!!!!!!!!

Best. Gig. Ever.
Last edited by blargfromouterspace on Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: A career highlight.

Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:04 pm

:alright: :happy0065: :banana:
Congrats Jamie! love the comic strip, you should make the last pic your avatar


Re: A career highlight.

Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:46 pm

Wow man! When's the DVD coming out? :lol:

Were there any guys at the gig AT ALL?

Re: A career highlight.

Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:16 pm

Jamie, best 'dressed' G&L neck ever. No PLEK can beat that! :happy0065:

- Jos

Re: A career highlight.

Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:50 pm

^ Good one, Jos! :lol:

Re: A career highlight.

Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:59 pm

Looks like you are having some pretty good gigs there Jamie :happy0065:

Re: A career highlight.

Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:21 pm

yowhatsshakin wrote:
blargfromouterspace wrote:... What more could a guy want?!?!

Not saying anything .... not saying anything ... ;)

- Jos

Uh, rhymes with "snow job" ???? - ed

Re: A career highlight.

Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:37 pm

Back to reality Ed!!! -- Darwin

Re: A career highlight.

Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:43 pm

Ok. Next round is on me! Happy Saturday nite, all! - ed

Re: A career highlight.

Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:44 pm

Still biting my tongue Ed! ;)

- Jos

Re: A career highlight.

Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:28 pm

zapcosongs wrote:
yowhatsshakin wrote:
blargfromouterspace wrote:... What more could a guy want?!?!

Not saying anything .... not saying anything ... ;)

- Jos

Uh, rhymes with "snow job" ???? - ed

Well obviously....

Re: A career highlight.

Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:21 pm

lol! - ed