
Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:19 pm

Hi there, name is Declan from Cork in Ireland. Was always a bit of a fender man; learnt to play on a squire silver series strat, bought a few different things after, a Japanese Jaguar (which I gigged into the ground), a Les Paul, a Baja tele. But decided that it was time to get back to the strat. I wanted something I could rock on but I also adore lots of soul and funk music so I wanted a good all rounder.
Browsed my local music store for about 6 months looking for the right Fender but kept picking up a cream coloured G&L Legacy. Eventually It went on sale because they just couldn't shift it so I said it was about time I put down a deposit.
Have played it exclusively for about 3 years, love it!

Re: Greetings!

Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:52 pm

Welcome Declan. Glad to hear you like your Legacy. Can you share a picture with us? -- Darwin