
Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:46 pm

I hate how long it's been since I last spent any time on this board. I still have my S-500, and still love it, but this whole starting a business thing is the best time sink since Skyrim (strike that, reverse it). I just gave my amp to my brother for Christmas (see my original introduction), so I'll be doing the virtual amp thing until I can afford a Mesa Boogie Express 5:50 head. I may replace the WGS HM75 in my 2x12 cab with an Eminence Texas Heat, too (it would be next to an Eminence Wizard).

Re: Reintroduction

Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:05 am

Skyrim just eats time in the most enjoyable ways eh, Good to hear your back though.

I hope the business is doing well, or at least starting well.

Re: Reintroduction

Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:23 pm

We haven't launched yet, but we're working hard to be ready when the world (Montreal) defrosts. I plan to visit Montreal in April and move as soon as my work visa is approved (the April visit does double duty in that it helps being selected for Quebec).