Hello newby from Dallas Area

Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:48 am

Hello everyone.
I have been reading this forum for years. I am from the Dallas Texas area. I have been playing around 35-40 years on and off. I probably have forgotten more now than I remember. I have been playing G&L's about 5-6 years now.
I have 2 G&L right now a Legacy and a ASAT III. I had a ASAT Classic Tribute I bought from Buffalo Bros. at the Arlington Guitar show in 2007 but it was good but just didn't do it for me.I traded it for a USA Strat.
I am one of the founding members of the Japanaxe forum. I also have a Fernandes LE1 that is one of my babies A 84 Tokai TST 62 that I need to finish restoring and a Kaman/Applause GTX20 pawn shop special that plays great.
I also have diffrent taste in amps my amps are 1976 Peavey Musician,a Late 60's Baldwin C-1 custom and a Epiphone Valve Junior Cab and head.
I not a collector but I got a collection I also own a MIC Takamine Grand Ole Opry and a Gibson J50 square shoulder.
I find you guys really informative.
Glad to meet you guys.
Heres pics of my G&L'shttp://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx18/cmguitar1/1990%20Fernandes%20LE1/ASAT%20and%20Legacy%20pics/


Re: Hello newby from Dallas Area

Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:04 am

Hi Chet, welcome o the board.

Could you post a pic of that Baldwin C-1? I ask because I have a Baldwin Vibraslim guitar, and I've never seen one of their amps. Here's a pic of my guitar.


Never seen the japanaxe forum - what do you know about the new FGN guitars? I have a lot of interest in getting one of them.

Re: Hello newby from Dallas Area

Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:32 am

Hi Jamie,
I don't know too much about FGM guitars I am more/less a Fernandes guy.
I bet that someone would know.
That Baldwin you have is one of the old Burns built Baldwins?
Here is a pic of my Baldwin Amphttp://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx18/cmguitar1/
You guys dried out yet? I heard its been bad where you are at.


Re: Hello newby from Dallas Area

Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:24 am

Wow! That's one sweet looking amp! It looks to be in absolutely pristine condition, kudos to you! I'd love to try one out one day. Is it solid state? How does it sound?

My guitar is indeed one of the old made in England Burns Baldwins - a '68 model. It sounds as good as it looks, though it feels a little rickety now that it's getting so old.

I've been lucky to have avoided all the excess water falling here, I'm on top of a hill. I just hope that we get some relief soon.

Re: Hello newby from Dallas Area

Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:49 am

My Baldwin is solid state 45 watts (but 45 watts in the late 60 is louder than 2011) or so it seems.2X12,4 ohm speakers ,weighs around 45 pounds
It has a tone between a old Kustom solid state and a Fender Deluxe is how I best describe it.
I do have to use a OD pedal to dirty up 'cause this thing can get clean LOUD!
Has reverb ,trem, vol,treble bass controls like a older Fender no midrange and master volume. Which is something I like.
I understand it was owned by a custom motorcycle builder here in Dallas who didn't play but collected guitars. He traded it in on a Ric.
It has a switch system called supersound.I usually leave on mix setting for country and off for everything else.
The superswitch had been worked on, has new grill cloth, power switch,and transformer.I picked it up for $225.00 USD w/trade in of some dust collecting equipmentbecause people are afraid of solid state amps. Its one of my babies.
Was built at the old Baldwin Organ plant in Fayetteville Arkansas.
It is the amp of choice of Willie Nelson. Thats not why I bought it. I just liked it.I played in country bands in East Texas and SW Arkansas when I was a LOT younger. The oldtimers and steel players used these amps In that area.
Thats about all I can tell you about that amp. I not one to look at names to buy equipment I allways go for what i like. If one shows up in Melborne try it out.
