Looking to buy my first G&L in MN, USA

Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:24 am

Hey everyone,

I've recently picked the guitar back up (I'm sure that's a common theme these days), and my weird old Japanese '60's franken-guitar is starting to become a limitation. It has an extra narrow neck (40mm), itty bitty frets, and the goil-foil-ish pickups get in the way of strumming.

I had my heart on upgrading to some kind of S-type guitar, and had been looking at the big F, and then I stumbled across the Legacy and started doing tons of research. Now I'm just waiting for the right deal to come along, and I'll be joining the G&L familiy :)

Re: Looking to buy my first G&L in MN, USA

Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:03 am

I’m new too having just gotten my first G&L. Please know that I’m about as far from an expert as you’ll likely come across on this but thought I’d toss this out just the same. I’m a somewhat recent convert to electric. I had 3 electrics before getting the G&L, an American Tele, a Clapton signature Strat, and an acoustasonic Tele. I don’t know why because I can’t feel it in my hand, but I play the G&L better than the others. Barre chords sound cleaner, leads are sounding respectable as I learn a song with it. I don’t understand why, I just know it’s worksing out great. FWIW my G&L is an ASAT, but a Legacy might be in the future too...

Re: Looking to buy my first G&L in MN, USA

Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:54 am

Welcome to both of you! The G&L challenge when considering an S-style gtr is legacy vs s-500 vs comanche (and in the vintage G&L world, the skyhawk and the SC-3 as well). I started with a legacy and ended up landing on the comanche. depends what you're looking for, at least watch a few videos comparing these before you pull the trigger. happy hunting!