Hello from here and there

Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:01 am

Hi, my name is zack and I'm from Tennessee. I recently went to the guitar shop with the intention to purchase a les paul, but ran across a G&L tribute superhawk in the "pre owned " section and I couldn't leave the store without it. Absolutely love that guitar. Up until now, I have been playing a squier strat and a Yakima les paul knockoff from the mid 80's. I have played off and on for a while but have been spending all my free time playing for the last year. Still very much a beginner. Glad to be here and thanks.

Re: Hello from here and there

Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:23 pm

Welcome. I live across the globe, but grew up in Tennessee. Please show us a picture of your new G&L.