Greetings from NE Minnesota

Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:07 am

Hello all! I've been on the Registry for years now, but I've never been active on the Discussion Page. It's good to be here! I've been playing G&Ls for over 20 years, and in a previous "life" I owned a guitar store in SW Minnesota and was a G&L dealer. I'm semi-retired now, but I still work as a guitar tech. Since I'm new to the DP I'm still learning how to navigate around this place, and still a tad confused by certain features since I'm an old geezer! :?

I own four G&Ls (two ASATs, a JB2 bass, and my main S-500) and am saving for yet another......of course! I'm mostly into the blues, blues-rock, and classic rock, but I also enjoy many other styles, and actively play the acoustic guitar as well. I'm looking forward to getting to know others here, and sharing info and opinions with all of you.

Peace, and keep on playin'! :D

Re: Greetings from NE Minnesota

Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:25 am

Well, I know that Darwin and the elusive willross live in the Twin Cities. American Guitar and Band is the main G&L retailer there, I believe... Play On.