Hello From Sacramento

Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:46 pm

Ok not quite sacramento... Dixon, which is near UC Davis.

Two years ago I was still hoping someday to find a great deal on a S500 Leo sig model and had not yet owned any G&L, now I have a WR, Comanche, Asat Special, S500, and a Legacy HB.. I got two of them new WR and Asat and the rest just came upon good deals.

I played the Asat at a Sacramento Kings game, the others at Casinos bars and
Bar B Ques.. Great stuff but the country gig appears to be done and it's time to
move on to recording... which is much more expensive and less profitable than guitars.. so far....
I like good beer and moonlite strolls on the beach as long as walking
and sand isn't involved.

As with most Californians I'm totally into YOGA since he is smarter than the average bear.

and yes I have a cheesy sense of humor some like to call my fifth sense..

Re: Hello From Sacramento

Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:49 pm

Whoa! You're gonna fit in here just fine.