Tea Time!

Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:52 pm

A few lunch reports ago Philby shared some tea time treats, well the other day I was at the market and something caught my eye....



They were delicious!


Re: Tea Time!

Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:00 pm

Hey great score Dave! You've absolutely GOT to try the chocolate orgasm.

Step 1: Make yourself a hot chocolate or milk coffee
Step 2: Extract a Tim Tam from the packet and take a small bite off diagonal corners
Step 3: Place one of the bitten off corners in the hot chocolate/milk coffee
Step 4: Suck the preferred beverage through the other bitten off corner like a straw

A chick back in university showed me how to do this. Teach your girlfriend/wife how to do it and you may enjoy some iced vo-vo later in the evening!

Re: Tea Time!

Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:40 pm

I hope you don't end up with this:


