Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:27 am

Thanks to all who are reading and posting. I really enjoyed reading your comments.

Lunch today will be some raw radishes, and an Oscar Meyer smoked ham sandwich on Orowheat Jewish Rye bread with a thin spread of Gulden’s Spicy Brown mustard. Maybe a piece of angel food cake, too.


Wow, what an eventful Tuesday! Let’s see, Wynnona got booted from “Dancing With The Stars”, the season finale of “Justified” left me wanting more, and I read that the Stones are going on tour again.

Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss? I got hooked into AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, not because of the zombie mayhem, but the storyline and the acting are really good. There are several others that I like, too. What is your favorite?


What are you reading? Seems like I always have my nose in a book, magazine, or newspaper. I get the Portland paper, “The Oregonian”, but mostly for the sports, comics and crossword puzzle.

I just finished re-reading a couple of my favorite novels by John Sandford. He writes the Lucas Davenport “Prey” novels. They are police procedurals, and his characters feel real to me—he has just great dialogue.

I also enjoy the novels of Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, Lee Child, Steve Martini, James Patterson, and David Baldacci. Next up for me is Clancy’s “Locked On”, one of his Jack Ryan, Jr. novels. And I read a lot of history--I think I've read probably 150 books on the Custer battle at Little Big Horn.

I did read “50 Shades Of Gray”, or at least I started it. It was basically, “Boy meets Girl, Boy does Girl, Girl whines about it. It's been on the best sellers list for a LONG time. And I didn’t think the kinky stuff was all that kinky.

I learned a long time ago the difference between kinky and erotic: If you make love with a feather—that’s erotic. If you use a whole chicken, THAT”S KINKY!!!! LOL!

So tell me what you’re reading.


I got my latest copy of “Guitar Player” magazine yesterday, too. Haven’t had a chance to read it cover to cover like I usually do, but I did see an interesting article on some new boutique guitars. All were $2,000 and up. I was thinking how grateful I am to have discovered G&L!

What guitar or music mags do you read?

I also get Guitar World, Vintage Guitar, and Premier Guitar. I would love to get Guitar Aficionado and the ToneQuest Report.


I know some of you are in a gigging band and some of you are not gigging yet. I spend most of my career doing a single act in nightclubs, just me and my guitar, and maybe a drum machine. These days I really enjoy playing with other people. When it’s right, it is a great feeling. And I really like the people in my band—they are good players and quality people.

I own a lot of PA gear, enough that I can cover a small, low volume gig, or crank up the big system with nearly 7,000 watts of power. And anymore, if I need the big system, I have to rent a van.

Was talking one of my friends the other day and he told me the definition of a musician:

“A musician is someone that…

Loads $50,000 worth of equipment…
Into a $5,000 car…
To drive 500 miles…
To play a $50 gig!

So true! LOL! And probably has a net loss of five bucks by the time you figure gas and a set of strings!

Are you playing in a band? Do you gig or is it just for fun? Praise and worship? Do you jam with friends, or go out to regular open mics and jam sessions? Or are you recording in your bedroom; or is your guitar playing strictly a high-volume stress relief therapy session…requiring no audience. For their safety…!


Ken C. mentioned some of his favorite bass players in his Monday post, and I was looking at Craigslist and saw an inexpensive Ibanez Artcore bass. This one is roughly the shape of a Gibson ES-335 guitar, and is a semi-hollow.

Hmmmm. I wonder…. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass? Does that have any appeal to you low-enders out there? Or are semi-hollow basses too woofy? Is the weight savings and the head heavy balance not worth the loss of tone?

What do you think of the idea of a G&L semi-hollow bass?


Last question of the day… We talked about families and mentors that influenced your playing. Some of you didn’t get much support along the way.

What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

With me, it came from my dad. He wasn’t one to give out compliments easily. He’d sometimes give me a hard time when I’d buy a new guitar, wanting to know how many I had and if I could play them all at the same time, etc.

So I had my guitar out at my folks—I was probably in my early thirties. I sang Glen Campbell’s “Rhinestone Cowboy” for him, and when I finished, he told me he’d seen Campbell on TV a few nights before, singing his hit.

When my dad leaned over and said, “You sing that song better than Glen Campbell,” you could have knocked me over with a feather. And knowing my dad, that was as sincere a compliment as I’ve ever gotten. He wasn’t the kind of father that was demonstrative, but I always knew he loved me. And for him to give me that kind of praise was really something special.

Got to run…I’ll try to check in later today.

Take Care!


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:25 am

Hey Bill,

Great stuff so far this week! I'll try and keep up with a few responses today ;)

My wife and I are also into the Walking Dead - what a great season that just wrapped up! I really enjoy Game of Thrones as well. Other TV highlights of the past year for me were 2 other HBO shows - Eastbound and Down, and Call me Fitz. As far as broadcast shows we never miss Modern Family and Cougar Town.

Right now I am reading the Jimmy Paige book "Light and Shade" 1/2 way through so far (After reading my list above I feel like i need to turn off the tv more :shocked003: )

I just subscribed to Premier Guitar. Literally, like yesterday. I have bought the last 4-5 issues and read them all cover to cover. They have been the first guitar magazines i have read in probably 5 years. Really good mix of stuff in there.

As far as band stuff goes... After playing with the same group of guys for the past 4 years, we had to fire our singer this past week. A real bummer for us. The band is a hobby for me and unfortunately 3 members were on the same page and the singer was not. We have a replacement that filled in last week - She did an outstanding job and earned a place in the band.

Have a great day,

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:34 am

Are you playing in a band? Do you gig or is it just for fun? Praise and worship? Do you jam with friends, or go out to regular open mics and jam sessions? Or are you recording in your bedroom; or is your guitar playing strictly a high-volume stress relief therapy session…requiring no audience. For their safety…!

++++++++++++++++++++++++ No band now....use to play in a blues band, and classic rock/blues band. Jam with friends at jams when possible. I record off and on. I have my P.A./ music room in my basement. I don't need an audience.

Last question of the day… We talked about families and mentors that influenced your playing. Some of you didn’t get much support along the way.

What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

+++++++++++++++++ " It sounds great but you need to turn up !" There were prob. more bad complaints. lol

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:17 am

Bill, I am on top of my game today. I was consumed yesterday buying a backup PA head. I will have some split pea/ham soup that Ginny made yesterday for lunch.

Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?

I seldom watch TV and If I do, it is usually something on PBS like Nova. I did come in last night and saw Wynnona get the boot. Ginny was watching.

What are you reading?

I usually do not take the time to read books. I always go Dr. appointments early so I can read.

What guitar or music mags do you read?

I don't
Are you playing in a band?

Yes I am. Like you I have a lot of gear and I do have to haul it around. I am also set up for most size gigs. The spare PA head I bought yesterday will be put to use on the outdoor gigs. We now have backup for all the band equipment. I am fortunate too be in the best band we have ever had. If this had happened when I was young I would have stayed in the music industry. I am primarily a bass player but do both. A couple of years ago we had another fellow who played bass and Steve and I both did the lead work. I enjoyed that but I really prefer to play bass.

Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?

Absolutely and I don't think it will take away tone. I prefer the tone of my L-2500 but use my Carvin most of the time because it is 2.5 lbs lighter.

What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

It was from the former lead player in our band. He called me Ohman. He said "Ohman, I gotta tell you something, you are too precise, too perfect when you play guitar," He then went on to say that he did a lot of slop playing. He was right and that was a huge compliment coming from him. The band compliment that we get all the time is many requests for Pontoon. They tell us we do it better than the original. It think that I would agree. Our ladies really kill it! Another compliment is when the dancing audience claps after each song. -- Darwin

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:31 am

TV SHOW: Justified; Breaking Bad
READING: I just finished two by Erik Larsen (good Seattlite)-In the Garden of the Beasts; Devil in the White City; will soon re-read Paul Johnson's The Birth of the Modern
GUITAR MAG: Any I can get, and have never bought one: Vintage Guitar and Premier Guitar esp. This has been largely replaced by watching some of my favorite players on You Tube or seeing equipment demos that way.
BAND: Three garage bands of guys in their '50's and '60's-the most fun I've ever had; sit in on other peoples' live performances
BASS: Wouldn't know what to do with one and have always considered the bassplayer my strongest asset in a band.
COMPLIMENT: Twice while in college I played mostly rhythm for my best friend who auditioned for some great Seattle bands and I ended up getting the callbacks. Never told him and wasn't interested myself.

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:57 am

Boogie Bill wrote:1.Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?

2. What are you reading?

3. What guitar or music mags do you read?

4. Are you playing in a band?

5. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?

6. What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

1 . No

2. 18th-19th century Russian literature, some political and historical studies...

3. None

4. yes... it's our 15th birthday right now ! ^^

5. Wot ?... Bass ???... ho ! you mean that big guitar with only 4 big strings... well... no idea ! :happy0007:

6. never had one... which is pretty cool, because we're supposed to sound like a band... i received compliments on my gear, tone or songs, quite enough to me... but the best "compliment" is when people start yelling on some part of some songs, or sing the lyrics sometimes !... this is quite an amazing feeling... :mrgreen:

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:37 am

1.Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?

BBC World News.

2. What are you reading?

One L & Don Juan: A Yaqui Way Of Knowledge.

3. What guitar or music mags do you read?


4. Are you playing in a band?

Flying solo and taking a break at the moment...

5. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?

Sure, but let the low-ender's make the final decision on that one...

6. What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

A famous player (name withheld), told me I played like him when he was younger. I also accept smiles...



Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:53 am

Wow, lunch reports are a cool idea. I've never been in here before - good questions. (I'm stealing wilross' paraphrasing here)

1.Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?

Nope, I almost never watch TV anymore - just some sporting events and those are becoming even more rare

2. What are you reading?

B Traven, "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre";
I picked this up because it is THE original source of the oft-quoted Blazing Saddle's line...

R Jordan, "Winter's Heart" (Book 9 in the WoT);
This is a good series, its just REALLY long.

I've also got a couple 'how-to' guitar books I'm reading.

3. What guitar or music mags do you read?


4. Are you playing in a band?

No, never have. I'm still a guitar noob but I'd love to find people to play with.

5. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?

No idea.

6. What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

I've had a few really good players and instructors, at different times, tell me I am much further along then they would expect.

And another person tell me "Its obvious you're putting in the time."

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:35 pm

1.Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?
My wife likes Blue Bloods, CSI and The Good Wife- I don't really care.

2. What are you reading?
Christopher Hitchen's book on Thomas Jefferson- Author of America

3. What guitar or music mags do you read?
I used to get Bass Player, but now I don't bother. There are just too many ads and I think the reviews are biased towards advertisers.

4. Are you playing in a band?
Yes, I am playing in two bands and a church group.

5. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?
No I don't. Semi-hollow bass is interesting but really not practical for most bass playing situations. A solid body bass can do a better job IMHO.

6. What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?
I never got much of a compliment on my guitar playing but my bass playing has been complimented many times.
My most memorable compliment was received in 1980 after playing bass at a church on a borrowed instrument with a bowed neck, Who came out of the congregation to compliment me? None other than James Jamerson himself. No one around me realized who he was!

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:21 pm

1.Got a favorite TV program that you hate to miss?

I haven't watched TV in 30 years, but back in the day Hawaii Five-0 was one I rarely missed.

2. What are you reading?

I'm currently photography obsessed (rekindling an old passion), so I'm reading a lot of books (mostly eBooks) about digital photography.

3. What guitar or music mags do you read?

None at the moment.

4. Are you playing in a band?

Yep. The Mad Maggies have been going strong for 9 years. We've released six albums and are working on the seventh.

5. Do you think G&L should make a semi-hollow bass?


6. What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

"WOW! What a great band! The horn section is amazing, and you are INSANE!"

That's what happens when you give an actor a guitar, dress him in a kilt, wind him up and put him on stage. Image

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:16 pm

TV SHOW: spartacus, game of thrones.
READING: the last archangel. a novel written by my step son, published last year.
BAND: only as a guest performer.
BASS: no opinion
COMPLIMENT: sammy avila, walter trout's keyboard player told me i was one of the best he has ever heard. i almost pooped myself.

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:46 pm

TV - Reruns of The Simpson's and Blue Bloods. I don't know why I like the latter so much, especially with its strong Catholic values. Might be Tom Selleck's excellent moustache and wardrobe. I hadn't heard of Game of Thrones until monday, and its only now that I find out its a TV show - I thought it was a video game.

I'm half way through my final year at uni, so reading these days is mainly technical journal articles on wireless shielding and manufacturing for my thesis.

I haven't bought a guitar mag for years. My dad and I used to buy the British ones, the reviews, photographs and lessons were outright better and varied than their American counterparts. Guitar Techniques was a personal fave. I learned a lot of stuff form that mag.

I play with 4 bands at the moment. Looking to add another on over the next couple of weeks with a very talented songwriter friend and possibly merge two together. And after a visit from the members of my old heavy-improvised-psych-rock last week I want to get into something like that again! Also wanting to quit another before I stab the bass player. He's one of those people that always knows best, even if its actually <censored word> stupid.

Best compliment I ever got is when an attractive girl in the audience gave me a high five immediately after a lead break.

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:12 pm

Thanks for joining in! Some comments in response…


Firing someone in the band is always hard, especially when you’re friends. Hope it works out.


I LOVE IT when the audience wants to hear it louder!!!! Yaaay! There’s a certain volume I like to play at; if it’s too soft it feels like I’m playing a cigar box with rubber bands. Surprisingly, I don’t like playing really loud either.


Curious as to what kind of PA head you bought. I’m thinking of replacing my old PV XR600C with a Mackie, Carvin or Yamaha top box. I have a Peavey FX16 mixer for the bigger gigs, which is great, but sometimes a top box is all I want to take. Any tips?

Audience applause is always wonderful isn’t it? I some times feel that audiences don’t respect performers, so you know you’re doing good when you get that kind of response.


Some of the YouTube demos are really helpful, and some are not. There’s one of the Carl Martin Plexi-Tone that made me go hunt down one of those pedals and it is going on my board soon! I needed a little bit of Marshall tone to go with my Mesa amps, and I think (HOPE!) the P-T will give me what I need.


That’s another fun thing—getting the audience to sing along. Even if it’s an old cheesy C&W or folk song, it can get the crowd going, and help you form the emotional attachment that you need between audience and performer.


Wow, what a great compliment! That would have me walking on air for years!


Don’t get them too bloodied! Another newbie, thanks for joining in.

I would strongly encourage you to play in a band. It is great fun. Check out some of the music stores in your area, to find people who want to jam. Check your ego at the door and learn how to serve the song. I love the teamwork and the camaraderie.


Blue Bloods and CSI are both good shows. I’ve always liked Tom Selleck.

I weight an issue for bass players? Darwin mentioned that his Carvin is lighter, and I have that Fender Precision “Lyte”. Guys always seem to want to use it at the gig, LOL! Guitar players will complain endlessly about a 9-10 lb. Les Paul, but most bass players don’t complain about the weight of their instruments.

Are bass guys just bigger, badder and tougher than guitar weenies?

And Jamerson? Wow! I think I would want that engraved on my tombstone! I wished we lived closer, Bill. Would love to hear you play.


Good to “see” you again! I love the compliment! Actually, I think we’re all a little insane! Congrats on all the success you’ve had with the Mad Maggies.


Another great compliment! When they are sincere, from a trusted source, they can be so uplifting, and yet so humbling at the same time.


A compliment from a pretty girl is always a treat. Hey, that’s the reason I learned the guitar in the first place—to help me get the girl! And I got quite a few of them over the years, reeling them in with my devilish smile and my crooning with a guitar strapped around my neck! I love it when they flash the band, too. That’s usually the high point of the night for me, LOL!

I hear you about wanting to stab the bass player. I did one gig with a band with a leader like that and left. It was a woman doing pseudo Celtic Harp stuff, and she was just foolish and passive-aggressive to boot. Another know-it-all. I’ve worked in bands that need serious group therapy! One band was pretty good, but so dysfunctional, I was afraid we WOULD get famous and I would be stuck with them for the rest of my life!


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:41 pm

Bill, I have an ST PMX10 that is 600 watts that we have been using. 200 per channel and 200 for the monitors. In researching backups I find that a lot of the newer stuff only has 2 channels and the monitor (one output) is from those. I like the separate monitor amp with the 2 outputs so I can run 4 monitors. In the end I wanted a similar rig for backup and I picked up a Yamaha EMX860st that has been used in a church. It is the same power and weight it turns out and looked like new and checks out beautifully. For outdoor gigs I will use both heads, one for vocals and one for the instruments. Some of the large venues here have sound systems and I don't want to get into separate power amps. I picked the Yamaha up for $225. The stores ore now pushing powered speakers which does simplify the cables but has a stiff price. -- Darwin

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:30 pm

darwinohm wrote:Bill, I have an ST PMX10 that is 600 watts that we have been using. 200 per channel and 200 for the monitors. In researching backups I find that a lot of the newer stuff only has 2 channels and the monitor (one output) is from those. I like the separate monitor amp with the 2 outputs so I can run 4 monitors. In the end I wanted a similar rig for backup and I picked up a Yamaha EMX860st that has been used in a church. It is the same power and weight it turns out and looked like new and checks out beautifully. For outdoor gigs I will use both heads, one for vocals and one for the instruments. Some of the large venues here have sound systems and I don't want to get into separate power amps. I picked the Yamaha up for $225. The stores ore now pushing powered speakers which does simplify the cables but has a stiff price. -- Darwin

One thing I have learned to appreciate about my old XR600C is the patching flexibility. I can run an out to a big power amp for the mains, and use the internal 200 watts for monitors. Very handy, indeed.

I love using my FX-16 mixer, with the four monitor sends and built-in digital EFX, graphic and parametric EQ and compression.

Late in 2011 I bought a used set of Carvin powered speakers to use for smaller gigs. My big system is just too big for most of the gigs we've been doing. It features 2 of the LS1801, each with a internal 700 RMS watt amp and a built-in x-over to go to the tops. I have four of the LM15s for the top end. These are 15" woofers with a compression horn, biamped, with a total of 400 watts RMS, in a plastic enclosure. I used the two subs with just two tops on our last gig and I was very impressed with the sound.

Cabling is still an issue, I'm just using AC cords and mic cables instead of heavy speaker cables, but overall the set up was much faster and relatively simple. The big advantage to those speakers is the weight savings over my big system. My JBL subs weigh in at 125 lbs. apiece, and the Peavey SP-2X tops are 86 lbs. The Carvins have neo-dym magnet speakers and weigh in at 76 and 40 lbs., respectively. Big weight savings, easier on the gas bill, and on the back.


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:49 pm

Boogie Bill wrote:Are you playing in a band?

What is the best compliment you can ever remember getting regarding your guitar playing?

I'm playing in a band. In fact, I've been in one band or another since I was 12. I play electric guitar and I've always considered myself an electric guitar player. However, I've found over the years that just having an electric guitar and amp was simply not enough. It takes more than that to equip a band. So, like you, I've collected PA gear over the years. Except, I don't consider myself a singer and do only the occasional backup singing. I did purchase a Bose L1 Model 2 with a tonematch engine and 2 bass modules. That piece of gear has done more to improve the sound of the band than any amp I have purchased. I have also just purchased a set of stage lights which we will be using for the first time this weekend.

My current band is TightSqueeze and we are on Reverbnation:

As far as a compliment, I use the bottom floor of my house, it's a split level, for the music room. I can remember cranking it up one day and just jamming away. Later that afternoon my son returned from playing with his friends. He said their parents were outside with their lighters in the air complimenting the music.


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:01 pm

RickT wrote:... I did purchase a Bose L1 Model 2 with a tonematch engine and 2 bass modules. That piece of gear has done more to improve the sound of the band than any amp I have purchased.

We use the exact same setup for small venues when we need to provide the PA--or we know the house PA sucks. The Bose "stick" is the sh*te!


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:04 am

GDub wrote:
RickT wrote:... I did purchase a Bose L1 Model 2 with a tonematch engine and 2 bass modules. That piece of gear has done more to improve the sound of the band than any amp I have purchased.

We use the exact same setup for small venues when we need to provide the PA--or we know the house PA sucks. The Bose "stick" is the sh*te!


We've been toying with the idea of getting these after seeing them in use a couple of months ago (we were sitting at this show thinking "gee willikers the sound is good in this room - where's the PA?") Do you guys use one each? Ever had any trouble with feedback?

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:11 pm

blargfromouterspace wrote:
GDub wrote:
RickT wrote:... I did purchase a Bose L1 Model 2 with a tonematch engine and 2 bass modules. That piece of gear has done more to improve the sound of the band than any amp I have purchased.

We use the exact same setup for small venues when we need to provide the PA--or we know the house PA sucks. The Bose "stick" is the sh*te!


We've been toying with the idea of getting these after seeing them in use a couple of months ago (we were sitting at this show thinking "gee willikers the sound is good in this room - where's the PA?") Do you guys use one each? Ever had any trouble with feedback?

We used to have two "sticks"--the L1 model 1 (aka, "bigfoot") and a model 2 with a tonematch engine, each had its own bass module. We sold the bigfoot (but kept its bass module) because we found that while having two sticks was more "ideal" for a larger band, one L1 was sufficient 99% of the time. Less to carry and setup, less space needed, etc. In our situation, where the single stick is placed is key for having all band members being able to hear themselves and each other. Obviously, it's doable. Having the second bass module is just plain good for the bottom line.

Though we use the Bose mostly for smallish venues and/or quieter gigs, we can get quite loud in a big bar full of unruly drunks!! We run the horns, vocals and sometimes the accordion through the Bose. Bass and guitar (and sometimes accordion) use un-miced amps. Backup vocals share a vocal mic. The only feedback problem we had was with the accordion plugged into the stick (not a fault of the Bose). The accordion has internal mics which feedback like crazy when near a hot vocal mic. The solution was to put a Boss Noise Suppressor between the accordion and the Bose. Voilà!


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:58 pm

That Bose system sounds really good--I've been impressed with it every time I've heard it.

What struck me as funny though, was the realization that the Bose L1 has a LOT in common with the old Shure Vocal Master PA columns I used to have. The LI with the bass modules of couse has about ten times the power of the old VM head, and uses computer processing to control the cone movement and frequency range of the small speakers. The VM was really good at covering the vocal range, but it was under-powered and lacked extended frequency response into both the high treble and low bass ranges. The Shure columns would throw the sound a long way, and you could have a live mic relatively close to them without feedback.

Everything old is new again!


Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:06 pm

Hi Bill,

I was just reading through your questions:
TV: don't have one, do lots of radio and podcasts though
Reading: professional magazines and journals issued by professional associations (ACM, APS, IEEE)
Guitar magazines: Acoustic Guitar, Guitar Player, Vintage Guitar complemented by the Fretboard Journal podcast.
Playing in a band: no
Should G&L make SH bass: They do alread, the ASAT SH bass.
Best compliment: being asked on the evening of the performance to replace a bass player who had to cancel due to illness; people who have never heard me play before being utterly surprised 'I can do that too'.

- Jos

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:36 am

Boogie Bill wrote:Thanks for joining in! Some comments in response…

Don’t get them too bloodied! Another newbie, thanks for joining in.

I would strongly encourage you to play in a band. It is great fun. Check out some of the music stores in your area, to find people who want to jam. Check your ego at the door and learn how to serve the song. I love the teamwork and the camaraderie.

They are toughening up - that which does not kill them...

I did take a group lesson where we got to do some playing together and you're right it was a ton of fun.

But I'm a middle aged beginner who is still trying to find time to practice myself. Fitting in an external demand on my time still seems kinda tough. Kids got soccer, swimming, etc etc...

So perhaps it is my schedule, age or lack of ability that has so far precluded seeking out somehting like a jam-group.

But more likely these are just convenient excuses and I should really get out there ;)

Re: Lunch Report For Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:55 pm

Jos, thanks for jumping in. I forgot that they do offer the ASAT bass as a semi. I was thinking more along the lines of an old Guild Starfire, or the Gibson bass that looks like a 335.

Fingers, making time as an adult player is always tough and I struggle with that too, even being the rock and roll bum that I am.

But when it's that right time, go ahead and put yourself out there. Your ego may get a little bruised, OR--you might discover that you're better than you thought you were. It's good to take a risk now and then.

And playing out is the real crucible of gear testing. A lot of times, what sounds good in your basement just won't cut it on stage and vice-versa. Old JCM 800s can sound terrible in your practice space, but opening them up on a stage with a hot band can be an epiphany.

All the best,
