Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:06 pm

Los Betos three enchilada plate ($5) and Brooke Bond tea. Yes, I carried that out and took it home. I also ate some spicy carrots. I love those things.

What on ebay, G&L or ortherwise, looks awesome right now?

For me, it's the L-1000 with mahogany board. ... 2a26c3e496

RPM Challenge
I recommend the RPM Challenge.

The challenge is simple: record an album in 28 days, just because you can! That’s 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material recorded during the month of February. Our plan was to have as many friends as possible help make our album.


Here's my 2012 entry "Natural", which was improvised/written and recorded in 5 1/2 hours (and it sounds like it). The last three tracks are the first six, with one panned left and one panned right. Each of the first seven songs are just using a single notes, and the track listing looks like this:

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E
6) F
7 )G
8) A+D
9) B+E
10) C+F


Songsmith + Karaoke
I have no faith in decency laws. Last week I combined Songsmith and Karaoke in public, and it was clearly legal but indecent. How is this kind of ugly possible?

Well, all the Songsmith files that are used in the demo video are available except the very first one ("I'm singing with my laptop"). So, I took those, loaded them into Songsmith, saved them without the vocals, went into kdenlive (video editor) and dropped them in. Here's the video from that process.


The final version I used last week actually has the video on the bottom pushed ahead a little so I can read the lyrics before they're needed.

That's not the first time I've brought in Karaoke material there. Back when it was WilliBs, I did an episode of TV Cycle where Bob and I rode there. That episode ended with me singing the theme song from the show (jump ahead to 11:15).


Way too much talking on that episode! I try to keep the Passive TV programs to less than three minutes of talking per 15 minutes. If you want dialog, there's lots of other choices out there.


Something I noticed on the cover of the new to me book "Guitar Player Repair Guide" by Dan Erlewine was there's Wiha screwdrivers. I used to have a Harbor Freight set and it was okay until the hours of use went up. Time to spend more. I ended up with the seven piece Wiha set made in Germany and they've been great. Sometimes it's worth it to get extra nice tools (and sometimes it doesn't matter so much).

Thanks for a fun week, and thanks to meowmix for putting me up to it, not to mention the over-the-top prize pack.

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:03 pm

Hi Brock,

Sorry for the silence this week on LRs, but I ended up on an unplanned trip for work.

I tried Mexican for lunch yesterday. I was in a very small town in the very deep South, and the only options were McDonalds or a small Mexican place next to the plant I was working in. There were a couple of vehicles in the parking lot, so I assumed it had to be somewhat safe. Inside there was one booth and a cashier's counter - nothing else. I figured it must be mainly for take-out. The booth was occupied, so I went to the counter. I asked the man behind it if they were open, and he said yes. I asked if I could see a menu, and he said no. :eh: And I was off to McDonalds...

Brock wrote:G&L
What on ebay, G&L or ortherwise, looks awesome right now?

For me, it's the L-1000 with mahogany board.

After my recent unplanned F-100 purchase, I am trying to restrain myself from seeing anything that could inspire another round of GAS. It seems like a lot of instruments are hitting the market right now, so not biting on anything will be tough. I've passed on a lot of F-100s and seriously considered selling my swamp ash '80 Series II recently, but this one was 'hog/ebony/hardtail with an asking price of $500. I would kick myself for a very long time for not finding a way to bring it home!

I wish my '80 L-1000 and '81 L-2000E had ebony boards. The maple is great, but there's just something about ebony. My project '82 L-1000 has an ebony board, but a swamp ash body. Some day I will find the combination I've been after.


Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:05 am

I can't believe how many G&L's are on eBay right now. I'm waiting for a Deluxe to pop-up and maybe pull the trigger. Besides the LE-2, I'm ordering an Ovation which will set me back about 5k... So it will have to be irresistible.

Have a great weekend.



Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:01 am

Brock, what are "spicy carrots?"

Also, can you provide a link to Mondale - my very favorite of your rpm challenge tunes. Some here may have missed it. Thanks! - ed

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:37 pm

Brock wrote:
What on ebay, G&L or ortherwise, looks awesome right now?

Love those Spicy Carrots...
Ed, you need to get some !!

I agree with Will, there is alot of G&L goodness up for auction this week.

I see this seller has put up the Rampage Demo with NR. He had it at 1999/b.o. ,

I'm guessing it'll come on around 12-1300 ? Any other guesses ?


Thanks for the entertaining week Brock !!

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:20 pm

Elwood - I think your guess might be spot-on. I have asked the seller if the fretboard is rosewood or ebony, as I did not see this info in the listing. Beautiful guitar, either way. Still wondering about 'dem carrots... - ed

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:01 pm

zapcosongs wrote: Still wondering about 'dem carrots... - ed

These are the ones that are most stores :


They also come in the pickled jalapeno jars ( usually at the bottom with some pickled onions).

Making your own I bet would be the thing to do.

Image ... ots-143736

now I'm Hungry !


Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:59 pm

Maybe with some good sourdough? Mmmmmmm.... - ed

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-07

Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:12 am

The Hot Mix ones are different (due to the celery and other factors probably too) but still tasty. Forced co-habitation of jalapenos and carrots is what Los Betos does (I think they have onion in there too), but they leave the jalapenos whole. I also get spicy carrots at home when I go for Mexican-style canned sliced jalapenos vs the normal. Thankfully, the carrots float to the top of the can, so when I open it, it's spicy carrot time, and then the jalapenos go into a resealable container in the fridge.

Here's the ones I typically end up with:

Notice the carrot on the label. It's mostly peppers not carrots, but they're in there and they're tasty. The photo reminds me that there's some onion in there too, but it's also limited.