Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:56 pm

Two frozen burritos + Brook Bond tea. Yeah!

The SC-2 came back changed (...and Leo changed it before it went away), but it came back. The bass sibling, the SB-2, was also changed into the Lynx Bass but it went away never to return. I'm a fan of the first-style SB-2, much more than the far more common second-style ones with the split pickup in the front.

Who here has played the new and old SB-2s? What is your impression on the differences over time?
How about new vs. old F-100?


I had this idea for stop motion animated bicycles. Here's the final sequence:


You wouldn't believe how much walking that took. You walk to each cycle, then out of the frame, and then do that again and again and again. I was nice to myself and marked out-of-frame with chalk so I knew where the safe zone was on both sides.

...and the test shots.

As mentioned in the video description, "The "panning" was done by taking the original stills, which were just from a digital camera on a tripod, and selectively cropping each frame using PHP and the GD library." and I was going to do that with the final, but there's too much going on.

Both of those are crazy high resolution. They're considered "4k" and are at 4096 x 2304 pixels. More about this from YouTube:


Speaking of stop motion, if you haven't seen Art Clokey's Mandala, here it is.



It's the gift that keeps on giving. It started out as a project called MySong, and that has a video too. The Glow in the Dark towl songs in the Songsmith demo are actually an upgrade from the sandwich shop jingle used in the MySong demo. ... an/mysong/

Also, what's with the freaky slowed down voice at the end of the last two clips for "This Love"? Weird.

Here's an example of consumer use of Songsmith. I scrapped this little piece of low res video (complete with spelling errors) while in India in the last five years. My camcorder was just a samsung point-and-shoot digital camera in 640x480 video mode. Oh yeah, and I "wrote" the background music with Songsmith. I cued it up, started making obnoxious noises into the built-in mic on the netbook I was using, pulled the vocal track, and then dropped it onto the video.

More Songsmith tomorrow 'cause that's what I'm serving up!

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:53 pm

Nice stop-motion sequences. I love stop motion clay animation, I reckon its a high art form combining sculpture, motion, photography and music. I don't know how many times I've watched the Frank Zappa movie 'Baby Snakes', but the animation sequences never fail to blow my mind

Sounds like Songsmith (thats a misnomer, more like Songcheat...) is used for creating the background music in those awful safety videos you have watch when starting a new job :thumbup:

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:14 pm

Wow, that is quite elaborate.

I enjoyed the Brian Ray video from a few years back where they used barbies being dirty


Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:33 pm

I'm pleased that they lived happily ever after. - ed

PS: Liked the bikes that move. Also enjoyed your on-air interview and hi-jinx yesterday. You are a nut to be sure, but I like that. Cool! - ed

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:33 pm

Great lunch report. I have an old DVD with all the Gumby's as well as all his old B&W stuff...



Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:08 am

How about new vs. old (G&L) Sorry, can;t help you with this one as I see so few G*L's in this part of the world comparisons nigh impossible.

stop motion Nice work on the animated cycles. Judging by the tree shadow in the bottom left corner it looks like it took a fais chunk of time to complete!.

Hot exactly the type of high artform that Jamie referred to, but I remember being impressed by the attention to detail in this lego recreation of a scene from the Matrix that my son showed me a while back ....

cheers, Robbie

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:40 pm

Lego stop motion is a real sub-genre. There's a lot of it out there.

The final bicycle animation sequence (the top one) was about 1:40 I think to shoot (with an about 20 minute interruption in the middle). The bottom one was about 45 minutes.

The part with me riding off was my wife and camera operator's idea. It was alarmingly faster to shoot. Stay on pedicab, move forward, stop, wait for picture, repeat. Much easier than moving four cycles around.

I like this one quite a bit.

Re: Lunch Report 2012-12-05

Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:12 pm

Bruce Bickford is one of the greats , ( Baby Snakes ).

There is some nice stuff in this one -
