Which bums you out most?

Listening to a poorly-tuned guitar performance
Unexpected visitors at a most inopportune time
Diarrhea on a long road trip or on a transoceanic flight
Broken AC in the midst of a prolonged and terrible heat wave
On a long-planned vacation, your sweetheart gets a UTI
Total votes : 19

Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:35 am

Thank you so much for another great day yesterday. I again managed to get little done thanks in no small part to the fun we're having here. My family is having company (again) from Germany this weekend, are hosting a party on Saturday, and I just learned that my Dad’s 90-year old brother, my aunt and cousin decided to drop in this weekend to visit us and my demented parents as well. Did I mention that the house is a real mess and I need to do some serious shopping, cleaning, laundry, meal prep., etc… So forgive me if I’m a bit circumspect this morning.

Lunch today: I really want a bucket of lobster claws, some melted butter, a generous portion of good coleslaw, fresh, homemade yeasty rolls and iced tea.

General music question: What’s the first song you ever heard from a band that you would ultimately come to like a lot? Long story short, sometime in the late ‘90’s, I was on the NJ turnpike driving to meet my wife-to-be at a hotel, halfway between DC and NY (where she lived). Well, I had never heard of Weezer before (I guess I had missed their first album) when this song from their second album, Pinkerton, comes on the radio. I’m not sure why but I found myself cranking it and nearly driving off the road! I still think this may be their best tune. Crank it!


G&L Question: I had a long-winded question here, but I’m tired. Ever notice the lack of models incorporating “large mfd” pickups in Strat/Legacy-shaped bodies? What might be going on here? We got alnico singles in the Legacy, small mfds in the S-500 Z-coils in the Comanche, but…..

And can you envision a new G&L guitar that incorporates these superior pups in this time-tested S-styled guitar body? I have an idea for such a beast, but I’ll share it later after I hear from you. – ed

PS: It is not too late to post your mug or those of significant others in your life if you feel okay doing so. Oh, and enjoy your day!

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:12 am

1st song from a band that became favourites
from a Q magazine compilation disc.. definately a "what was that" moment for me! loved them since :D

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:57 am

Great week Ed and I think you may be in for overload. Hang in there dude! I am going out for lunch today with friends and I will not order Chicken Noodle soup.

My choice for the poll would be all of them!

The song thing happened to me about 5 years ago. I was driving home one weekend and head Guitar Man by Duane Eddy. Now to most this may not be a great song but it really seemed like a perfect song for me to record and I had missed it when it was a hit. I have always been stuck on this type of music. So I recorded it and here it is again as many of you have already heard it.


The large MFDs would be cool in an S type body but I have gravitated to the T type over the years and G&L has that well covered. I like the large humbuckers in the F-100 return and they would be cool in an S type.

I will get a picture of Ginny before the week is out!--Darwin

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:06 am

I guess it was this one. From the 2nd record I've ever owned. Don't now why, they had it there in stand in a supermarket. The album was "Chicago VII", might have been 1978 or like that, that double LP is still in my posess.


Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:59 pm

I have always wondered that about the the large MFD's. Why no super strat?

Hmmm...songs...I should have lot's to choose from. But I am little slow from drinking Scotch and solving all the worlds problems with my visiting FIL on Monday. (Bad Move.)

How about this, when I was in high school i somehow wasn't very aware of the band that did this song. This was my best friends favorite band (at the time) and one day I heard this and was hooked. I made him listen to it twice a day, at least, for ever. He got so sick of it.


I remember Darwin's cover of 40 Miles of Bad Road. I loved that one! Will have to check this one out as well.

Poll, UTI all the way....

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:28 pm

Howdy Ed!
zapcosongs wrote:General music question: What’s the first song you ever heard from a band that you would ultimately come to like a lot?

For me that would be Andrew Gold's 'Lonely Boy' with that great guitar riff by, as I way later learned, Waddy Wachtel. Joe Jackson's 'Is She Really Going Out With Him' is a very close second.
zapcosongs wrote:G&L Question: I had a long-winded question here, but I’m tired. Ever notice the lack of models incorporating “large mfd” pickups in Strat/Legacy-shaped bodies? What might be going on here? We got alnico singles in the Legacy, small mfds in the S-500 Z-coils in the Comanche, but…..

Fair point and heck if I know! After searching long and hard, I received a copy of Paul Bechtoldt's "G&L: Leo's Legacy" today, about which I'm pretty stoked! But there is no good answer to your question in that book either. All I can surmise is this: the SC-1 and SC-2 did have large MFD's and the SC-2 did morph in a more Strat like shape with its 2nd body style. You see that that model could have evolved in an even more Strat like appearance with a PTB controls, Strat-like input jack, and 3-position switch. But even the SC-3 used smaller MFD's from the get-go. So apparently for a 3-pickup model, the large MFD's were never really an option until the (not very long lived) ASAT S-3 and the famous Trinity already mentioned in your Monday LR.

Enjoy your evening! Of to listen/watch a Sigur Rós performance at the Paramount Theatre this evening.

- Jos
Last edited by yowhatsshakin on Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:01 pm

There's nothing quite as uncomfortable as being anywhere except at home with plenty of toillet paper when you get the runs. Last time I got 'em in public was on a self guided walking tour of (ie. lost in) Singapore's wealthy suburbs . Unpleasant.

First song from a favourite: 'Ruby, My Dear' by Thelonious Monk. First time I heard this was during a post-coital mid-summer-afternoon snooze. To tie in with the poll options I later got a STI from that girl - which, tying in to yesterdays theme, might be too much information to be divulging :crazy:

G&Ls: That's definitely a gap in the product line-up.

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:31 pm

Hi Ed,

I always enjoy your LR's and this week is no exception. It's pretty busy this week so I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like. I'll try to post up a recent self portrait in the spirit of Monday's LR.

First song leading to general band admiration: Metropolis by The Church. I first heard this in the summer of '91 and it was the perfect song for the season. It reminds me of warm evenings with friends drinking beer. I was recently in Albany, NY for work and was feeling jet lagged and a little homesick. The hotel I was staying at had piped music in all the public spaces - mainly screechy female vocal music (Celine Dion, Mariah Carey) and hip-hop/R&B - the sort of music that makes me grit my teeth. I went to the bathroom after breakfast one morning and there were Bose speakers in the ceiling blasting some godawful noise. Anyway, just as I was washing my hands to get the hell out of there, what should come over the speakers? Metropolis. It was like God himself had intervened in the hotel playlist. So I went into a cubicle, pulled down the seat, sat down, closed my eyes and smiled for the whole song. True story.


Superstrats: I played a Cole Clark hollow-baby in a store last year and it absolutely rocked. The P-90's were so juicy you could literally chew on the tone. Some strats have a tendency to be thin and brittle, but not with P-90's!


Keep up the good work!

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:18 am

I'm 55 now, but when I was 18, I saw a band, David Wilcox and the Teddybears. He had long hair and a handlebar mustache and he blew away the crowds. I went to see him because he went to my high school and was just 2 years older than me. At the clubs, the front row was always filled with guitar players who came to watch and learn and admire.

If you know who Colin Linden is, a canadian folk guitar player, Colin played backup in David Wilcox's band when he was 16. He had to go to the kitchen between sets because he was underage to stay in the bar.

David is still performing today and we say him again last year. So, he's been playing professionally for over 40 years and is considered one of the best slide guitar players. He did a lot of studio work as well, playing on Melissa Manchester's album in the 80s, etc.


Guitar playing amazing, songs so so but catchy.

"Some people call me a bad apple,
Well I may be bruised,
But I still taste sweet!"

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:10 am

Great responses all. I need until this afternoon to get back to you on them, though. Hang in. Thanks! -ed

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:41 am

Hey Ed
Good to see you up this week. Unfortunately I've been on the road so limited chances to participate so far.

The G&LDP Family Album. Because the house was broken into and trashed because of info posted on the net I'm now very wary about posting anything that might give away too much I can't contribute to the family album - You've heard the story before so hope you understand ( a promise is a promise).

First song you ever heard from a band that you would ultimately come to like a lot? Two very different tracks but from the same era come to nind (since I had them with me on the road).

Heard this at a friends place back in the 70s and it was the tracj that really switched me on to exploring Fusion. Became an instant fan of the Genre, the band and the individual band members.

Heard this on the car radio in the late 70s. The first two bass notes made me pay attention and the rest of the bass line kept me hooked (the louder the better when those bass notes hit!).

I'll try and contribute more as the week progresses but right now I need sleep.

cheers, Robbie

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:54 pm

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you Wednesday responders. Let’s just say it’s been kind of busy here, and is going to get worse before it gets better. Nevertheless….

Thanks for taking the poll. Diareahea wins! Never thought I'd be putting those words together, but(t)... (ha!)

Hope you liked the song I posted. Sorry I had trouble putting it in line for you.

oneeyedog: Enjoyed the song, thanks. Love a traveling tune - and a well-placed minor chord.

darwin: Great playing and excellent tone. Who has that great voice there? Schweet!

Miles: Great song and moment in time. Thanks! If only I had written it…..

sbnt: Relieved to hear that you and your FIL have sorted it all out by now. Though I personally didn’t care so much for your AC/DC revelation song, I’m willing to chalk that one up to the booze! ;+) Just enjoy the song (and your Scotch – in moderation preferably). It’s all good.

Jos: Thanks for helping me make my point – with the Trinity and the S-3 being built on the ASAT/Tele platform. Hope you enjoyed the performance last night. Interesting stuff for sure (I confess I had Google Mr. Ros – but I’m really glad I did!). That Andrew Gold song is a fine one, btw.

Blarg: That is the best d*mn thing I have heard in, well, I don’t know how long. And put in context the way you did for us, it’s clar that you are an extremely fortunate man (even if you had not posted such a handsome mug on Monday – ha!).

Philby: Great song, compelling story and a uniquely memorable moment in time. Thank you!
Also, though I am not familiar with Cole Clark guitars (stunning axe, btw!), this looks something similar to something I was envisioning: “S”-style body, two big MFD’s, and a four-way (modified, slanted Tele style) switching configuration. How does the switching on that Cole Clark work?

astutzmann: I had never heard of David Wilcox before (they don’t let me out much), but I have to say, not only is he a great player, he’s an extraordinarily gifted entertainer. Thanks for that!

Hey Robbie: Appreciate you checking in. That Bruford track really blew me away once it got going. I tried to listen to each instrument separately, and it’s pretty obvious that every one of those musicians is superb. Together, they nearly blew the back of my head off! That Stranglers tune has loads of energy, and I enjoyed it much. You’re right about those bass notes. He’s not playing an early SB-2 by any chances (I believe those could pull that off)?

Did I miss anybody?
Thanks again for playing. Anyone like the song I posted? - ed

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:03 pm

zapcosongs wrote:Anyone like the song I posted? - ed

Absolutely. I've been singing 'I'm dumb, she's a lesbian' for the last 2 days. Weezer are masters of the catchy indie pop song - usual with a twist built in. :thumbup:

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:08 pm

Thank you Ed. The voice is that of my friend Jo Klein. She is awesome and has perfect pitch. She is also a dream to work with. Her vocals on that song took about an hour. She did all the female vocals on our CD.-- Darwin.

Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:20 pm

Here's a tune that eventually led me to 'discovering' one of my favourite bands - The Jayhawks... I say eventually b/c it took awhile for it to creep in and work it magic... then a few years later I got Tomorrow the Green Grass and that did it. Gary Louris's '68 SG thru a Fuzzface sounds divine + his fills and lead playing always are sublime.

Una Mas -


Re: Why Not Lunch Report for Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:00 am


This is the song the turned me on to Aerosmith. One of the first rock bands, together with The Who that really spoke to me.

G&L Question: There are have been a few forum member projects that have done this with good result. However, it seems that the company is headed in the opposite direction...