Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 12:14 pm

Hope this Wednesday is finding you all well, there are two sure fire ways for me to tell it is summer.

One is guys without shirts on walking around downtown who should probably never take there shirts of in public (same with the chicas, I saw one the other day. tight shirt tight pants and nowhere for the flesh to go but around the belly, looked like she was wearing an inner tube...)

The other is stores start stocking good proper hot dogs, so today is a couple of dogs tossed on the George foremen till they are bursting and tossed onto some some buns and garnished with relish and mustard and some ketchup flavored old dutch chips on the side.

She is so heavy

One interesting thing I like about G&L is the Custom Creations department, it looks like they are able to try new things outside of the standard production guitars and it looks like they haven’t released anything new in a while...

So they are due for something new, now one Custom Creation I wouldn’t mind seeing is something in the vein of a bass VI. maybe an ASAT VI.

Just think of mix between an ASAT S-3 and ASAT bass only with a scale length of 30” and six stings, maybe have the saddelock be through body like with the G&L basses and possible bass tuners as well.

Of course have it offered in 3TS with a tortoise shell PG and maybe rosewood or ebony fretboard.

So hypothetically, if you could design any Custom Creation what would it be?

And almost just as important what would you name it?

Gimmick hungry yob

Now my Non G&L topic today is inspired by a post I read by DR B about a cymascope that allows you to see sound as a realtime graphic representation (I may be explaining that incorrectly).

I saw this and couldn’t help but think of what an amazing stage effect it would be!

It also reminded me of a band I saw years ago, they must have been OK, all I remember of them is a chunky rock rhythm and TVs scattered around the stage.

Well really it was what was on the TVs... now I’ll also preference this with the fact that I am a bit of a nerd so I immediately recognized that what they had playing on the TVs was none other than a classic Star Trek episode, “the menagerie” and they were playing the video backwards!

It was a delicious contrast and really brought me to the front row to rock out!

So have you guys seen any awesome stage effects or are there any you enjoy using?

Or is it just down to proper stage lighting?

Random link of the day.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 1:00 pm

Hey Ahryn

Thanks for the mention :happy0065:

I had the same idea about the cymascope - I was thinking of a 40 foot screen behind the rolling stones or steve vai or something - cool as f**k at a live gig. The enginneer has not thought of all the applications for it yet - but i also suggested it might also be good for handicapped and disabled children to help stimulate them in a multi-sensory manner (sound, vibration, and vision). Stimulation therapies are helpful - though nothing quite like this has been tried before.

The guy that designed and built it is a close personal friend and I have seen him develop it from a simple sand-based membrane where he directed low-frequency sound at it and you saw ripples suddenly emerge in the sand (like a stone in the water) - to a full digital application. I am trying to encourage him to sell the patent to Sony or someone for a small fortune....who knows.

I want to see if i could compose something based on the images and colours first (instead of thinking in terms of the music first)...I bet some clever kid could do that after some practice

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 2:55 pm

Lunch was a cheese sandwich and pea soup.

My custom G&L would be a blood red ASAT Deluxe with matching headstock, black binding and ebony fretboard with individual tone and volume controls for each pickup and Jimmy Page wiring for coil splitting and series/parallel configurations (Or one of the many enhancements that folks have made to this wiring scheme) and dual fulcrum trem.

The best stage effect is outstanding player but the best effect I saw (and also the lowest tech) was during the recent Godspeed You Black Emperor reunion tour. The band had four 8mm film projectors running during the show with a film technician running loops through two of them at a time. At one point, the technician started running burnt film through it and the effect was pretty spectacular.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 4:13 pm

Ahryn, I had a sandwich. A turkey on pumpernickle with cheese, pickles and horseradish mustard again. I am home alone so I didn't have to answer "why are you having that again"?

Yes, we are finally getting summer. I was going to take a guitar picture last night in front of some beautiful Tulips in our yard only to discover that Ginny has the camera this week.
I stocked up on Brats this week as they are favorites of mine. All the fixens with some Lays chips and I am good to go. Old Dutch is right down the street from me. Good company.

Stage effects are not a concern for me but I watch the crowd to see their reaction to the music. If they are toe tappin', that is a good sign.

I have a custom crations F-100 Return. It is a masterpiece. If I were to design a custom it would be an ASAT chambered F hole with 2 or 3 humbuckers with a DF or Bigsby. It would have a gloss GOT flamed or birdseye maple neck, and fretboard with abalone dots, abalone binding on top. belly cut and a transparent color with a flamed top. No pickguard, phase and single coil splitters for each pickup and I would call it a Bucker T. There would also be no serial number plate on the headstock. See you tomorrow.-- Darwin. :evilgrin:

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 4:54 pm

I LOVE the Vidiot From UHF. What a great film. This is one of my favourite scenes


I don't know what the the CCD should do next. I've got traditional tastes in guitars, so making me happy is pretty easy. Maybe a baritone? Or a seven string Rampage for the metal kids :problem: I'd call it the Rrrrrrrampage 7 (note that I used 7 r's)

I love the idea as that cymascope for stage lighting. That's probably the best application for it.

To date, the best stage show I've seen was at a performance of a Steve Reich piece called 'Drumming' or something like that (I was inappropriately drunk at the concert). The piece itself is a cleverly composed loop of a drum pattern played slightly out of time with the last loop. They filmed the drummer playing it and projected the image onto a screen. Every time it would loop around it would be superimposed on top of the footage from the last time he played it. By then end of it it looked like a drumer with infinite arms playing. Very cool.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 5:57 pm

Blarg , there is no such thing as inappropriately drunk! It is called getting into it and talking smart if you can still talk!!! I haven't ever done that but someone told me about it happening to people. Does that make me an Anthropologist????-- Darwin

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 6:13 pm

Lol Bot post is hilarious! virtual memory naughty naughty problem!

Dr B: 40 foot screen = epic show.

CGT: ooh reminds of that Jim Adkins tele fender put out, only infinitey more versatile. '

Darwin: love the idea of three humbuckers and a bigsby, always a good combination in my book.

Blarg: excellent a fellow UHF fan! a baritone would be pretty awesome.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Toreoriemycar - I'll have what you're having.

(Dreaming still of P-Funk's Mother Ship....) - ed

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 8:07 pm

AS far as stage lighting effects, I miss the old days when they would have the projector show with the psychedelic colored oil in water.

And for a Custom Creation, I have two.

The one I've been begging for over the last seven years: A three-pickup Comanche XII; PTB, 1.75" width neck at the nut. Other than that, don't care much, though would prefer it not be black. I think the Z-coils would be fantastic for a 12-string.

The other would be an ASAT, based around the Gotoh blade pickups in the Legacy Special. Maybe all black and chrome themed...the "ASAT Raider".

I like it!


Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 9:27 pm

G&L is the Custom Creations - Got a ASAT Jr I truly love and would REALLY love to get an attempt at a ASAT Will Ray Custom VI. To go all out for "Custom Creation" I would get a zebrawood WR overwound p-up Z "Esquire", SH no F-hole, no pick guard, out of phase switch, ebony board, triple bound, loaded with a WR B-bender, matching headstock, crinkle black hardware, black locking tuners, strap locks, a bomber girl image built into the body behind the bridge (ala Jerry Garcia's tiger), and oh yeah a 3-bolt neck.... that would be very cool. Not really asking for too much. ;)

And almost just as important what would you name it? The crystal ball is saying Evelyn, Lydia or Zoey for multiple reasons :elguitar054:

So have you guys seen any awesome stage effects or are there any you enjoy using?
Just think Spinal Tap :shocked028:

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Wed May 18, 2011 9:54 pm

Zapco: I must admit I may not like a flashy guitar but the Mothership certainly is an exception of mine.

Bill: Psychedelic colored oil? sound like my kind of show! I think a Comanche 12 string would make people stand up and take notice.

Sam: you had me up to Z esquire, after that I lost consciousness imagining such an impressive beast of a guitar.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Thu May 19, 2011 8:34 am

WR overwound p-up Z "Esquire", SH no F-hole

I'm with Sam! but I'd go more traditional. with a pickguard, birdseye neck/board, gotta have the black crinkle hardware, no decal for me.

I've never used stage effects, mainly because my band never really made enough money to invest in anything. I did rather enjoy AC/DC's gigantic statue of Angus, that then grew devil horns and started smoking followed by a row of cannons firing confetti

Lunch was american chop suey (elbow pasta in a tomato and ground beef sauce) with garlic bread. Rather bad food day overall though, stopped in the cafeteria for some toast in the morning only to find cake :shock: It's no worse than a doughnut....right?!


Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Thu May 19, 2011 9:09 am

I like your idea of a long scale baritone ASAT. Would sit very well with me. A nice long scale liek a Bass VI (or the modern market, Schecter Hellcat or somesuch) would be pretty awesome I must say. I would like to see them do something a little different than just 'we had some fancy wood and made a limitted run', or 'we added a pickup'. Those, to me, are pretty minimal work comparatively, and should be available regardless. The Commanche studio is the only one that stands out for me in that sense, and even then it is just a commanche wired up the way I would tweak a guitar either way.

RUSH always has great lights, good visuals/hilarious clips, and of course, some of the best music on the planet going making their shows a real treat to watch. The things they crack out on tour for the visuals are excellent, and this last tour (time machine) was no exception. The fact they can take pop shots at themselves (especially in this case) really speaks well of them for me. Check out the "Time Machine Tour" intro, intermission, and outro videos for a good laugh.

Re: Lunch Report, Wednesday, May 18, Hotdogging it.

Fri May 20, 2011 5:48 am

an S-500 semi hollow without f holes, large MFD for bridge pup, hardtail bridge, ebony board, 1 11/16 nut width, gun oil tinted neck, crossed checkered flags badge on headstock, and named the "Indy-500"...