"Legacy" LB-100 Bass

Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:18 am


new to the forum. In fact - pretty new to forums in general. Have been a G&L owner since 1999, with a 1993 LB-100 bass. Me and the bass have had a bit of a journey along the way, including a period when it was stolen and then miraculously returned. I'm building a blog of stuff, I may or may not get going properly, but have written a piece about the bass here: https://printhead235491263.wordpress.com/2018/12/20/late-1993-gl-lb-100-bass-guitar-the-loss-and-eventual-return-of-the-prodigal/.

I've managed to find a bit of info here on the forum and elsewhere, which appear to show the LB-100 is an early production, but possibly rebadged "Legacy" bass. I'd be interested if anyone has any other information. I'm going to be giving the bass a good clean over and a proper setup - I'd be particularly interested if anyone has any advice or opinion about using the inbuilt neck tilt adjustment. I'd always thought a proper shim was the best way to go. I may have to look at a little adjustment since the action is now quite high - even with the saddles right down on the bridge. The truss rod adjustment is still fully functional though - so I may find enough adjustment there.

Ideally, I'd like to rub some buckle rash and the odd scratch out of the finish. There are a couple of black dings to the neck which look like it might be possible to rub them out. Anyone have any info about the finish on the body and neck, and whether they think it's a good idea to try to use something like rubbing compound and swirl remover, before a re-polish?

Also - generally - since I'm intending to give the guitar a good strip down and clean up. Is there anything I should keep well clear of? Anything I should avoid, in order to keep the guitar as close to original as possible? Anything I could do, sympathetically of course, to reawaken some of the old G&L magic?

Grateful for any info