
Wed May 19, 2010 8:44 pm

I just received my new BluesBoy (separate PORN post) and I do have a question about the setup. The humbucker is noticeably lower (nearly flat with the pickguard) on the low E side. Is this normal - and something that would be done at the factory to balance the tone during setup? The guitar sounds great as is so I am not complaining. I can understand why it might be necessary to eliminate excessive bass - but am just curious if others have seen this.

Also, could the same result be achieved with the individual screws on the humbucker? If not, what are the screws for as I have only ever owned single coil Tele's before this one.



Re: Humbuckers

Thu May 20, 2010 2:42 am

You're right, the screws are to make sure the output is consistent with the treble strings. The screws in the pickup itself are like a fine adjustment - they're in the bridge pickup too. I've never bothered with them on my Bluesboy, I've not noticed any string being louder than the others.