Craig wrote:yowhatsshakin wrote:Craig,
While you're checking whether there is an error, could you also ask whether either or both are used in the ASAT Junior and ASAT Super? This would mean one is wound with 43-gauge wire and the other with 42-gauge and reverse with respect to the former.
- Jos
I forwarded your question off to Dave.
Stay tuned.
While on the NAMM trip, Dean and I stopped at the factory and I had a discussion about the SC-2 bridge pickup with Spencer Brown. He confirmed that
the SC-2 bridge pickup and the ASAT Super bridge pickup are the same. The ASAT Junior pickups were less overwound than the SC-2 bridge and the ASAT
Super pickups. I also discussed with Dave about the entries for the Jumbo (aka Soapbar) Single coil MFD pickups listed in the G&L On-Line store as a followup
to my previous email to him and Jose. I am quite sure that the one that is listed as an "S-3 (RW/RP bridge position)" is really the SC-2 (and ASAT Super) overwound
bridge pickup. I have also followed up with another email to Dave regarding this, along with other corrections and omissions on the main G&L website.
For those interested in getting an SC-2 bridge pickup or ASAT Super bridge pickup, you should order the one currently listed as an "S-3 (RW/RP bridge position)" in the
PICKUP - JUMBO MFD SINGLE COIL (OTHER) section of the On-Line Store.
Hope this helps.