Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:06 pm

I hadn't seen this ad before. Practically Ninja Black .
Check out the impossible reflection in the gridscape.

What happened in '85-86 that caused George to go over to the FMIC side?

I know I've heard the story before, but can't recall.
I don't have any of the G&L history books, I'd wager the story is explained in one or two of them.
Can someone here give me a quick review?


Re: 1986

Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:09 pm

I wasn't aware that George went back. He doesn't mention that in Guitars by George and Leo. I think it's interesting that the ASAT ad shows a Broadcaster. I wonder if they didn't have any ASATs ready when it was created.


Re: 1986

Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:06 pm

KenC wrote:I wasn't aware that George went back.

Maybe my reconstructive memory has taken creative license with me.
Were both George and Leo "co-presidents" with Dale as VP and Sales Manager ?
I don't remember seeing ads with Dale listed as VP before 1986.

Tim? HLG? Craig? GG?

thanks in advance for helping me keep things Real :D


Re: 1986

Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:38 pm

FWIW, Wikipedia says: "Fullerton returned to Fender as a consultant in the company's custom shop in 2007"

Also regarding the reflections in that ad, it seems to be a hail Mary effort. I counted four guitars reflected in the grid, none of which are plausible.

Re: 1986

Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:50 am

Elwood wrote:
KenC wrote:I wasn't aware that George went back.

Maybe my reconstructive memory has taken creative license with me.
Were both George and Leo "co-presidents" with Dale as VP and Sales Manager ?
I don't remember seeing ads with Dale listed as VP before 1986.

Tim? HLG? Craig? GG?

thanks in advance for helping me keep things Real :D


I believe I posted this back in 2010 In reference to a Vintage guitar magazine article that was being discussed.
"I also seem to have missed this article. Pretty informative for a short story with one exception. It states that Leo partnered with another longtime associate, George Fullerton, to found G&L Music Sales, Inc. It was actually Dale Hyatt that Leo Partnered with to form G&L Musical Sales. George Fullerton and Leo partnered to form G&L Musical Instruments. This is an often overlooked piece of information. G&L was actually two individual companies with Leo Fender being the major stockholder in both companies and Dale Hyatt and George Fullerton being equal but minor stockholders in the different companies. This resulted in Dale Hyatt and George Fullerton both being partners with Leo Fender but not being partnered with each other. Leo Fender set up his first company in a similar fashion in the late 1940s but for different reasons. At the time of Leo Fender's death in march of 1991, Dale Hyatt was Leo Fender's one and only partner due to George Fullerton being bought out by Leo in 1985".
George Fullerton stayed on as a consultant for Leo at least for the duration of Leos life at G&L and sometime beyond. George did make it back to Fender, hence the George Fullerton 50th anniversary Stratocaster.
The black Asat promo sheet is the same as the Broadcaster sheet. Notice the headstock logo. It was more cost effective to use the same flyer with a couple of minor changes. To my knowledge there was never an 86 Asat built with a black headstock. There was however one built which was identical to the Asat and Broadcaster but had the LaCaster logo on it. Glad they came to their senses. Good looking flyer though.

Re: 1986

Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:07 am

Thank you Larry,
I think it was reading about the change of G&L standing for George and Leo vs. Guitars by Leo
that started me wondering.
The separation of the two companies I had forgot about.

Do you know why Leo bought out George's shares in '85 ? I was pretty sure I had seen blueprints by George
dated after that , but I was a bit baffled how the business model was structured.
It's making more sense to me now.

all my best,

Re: 1986

Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:35 am

Elwood wrote:Thank you Larry,
I think it was reading about the change of G&L standing for George and Leo vs. Guitars by Leo
that started me wondering.
The separation of the two companies I had forgot about.

Do you know why Leo bought out George's shares in '85 ? I was pretty sure I had seen blueprints by George
dated after that , but I was a bit baffled how the business model was structured.
It's making more sense to me now.

all my best,

George was still very involved after 1985 and your right, there are many blueprints of Georges after the buy out. As far as the reason for the buy out, Tim Page would be more suited to answer that question as he was close friends with George.