Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:17 am

Hi All! Long time no see. For those of you (most of you) who don't know me, I'm Rob Bloch from Virginia and I used to hang out here. A lot. Back in the Stone Age, which is to say in the waning years of the last century and early years of this one. I've owned a bunch of G&L guitars and basses over the years - more than my meager talent could ever avail itself - and have now limited my guitar ownership to only those instruments that get played on a regular basis, with one sole, extra, CDF-type. (But GAS is a wonderful thing, ain't it. LOL!) Many of the instruments I've owned I bought from members of this forum, where I always found (with only one, possibly two, exceptions) an atmosphere of rabid encouragement from all to all to express their talents, opinions and wisdom regarding any brand of guitars (even though most of the others only exist only to demonstrate just how superior G&L's truly are) amps, strings, setups, playing styles, and getting-through-life support. I even remember how participation on this discussion board led to one member's marriage! What fun! Via friendships I've made here I have had the great pleasure to be introduced and get to know some of the finer human beings and world-renowned guitar talents our souls and ears have been blessed with. What more fun! I hope this atmosphere still exists.

For the past several years I've been the rhythm player in a 4-piece all-instrumental surf, Beatles, 60's pre-psychadelic (with a couple exceptions), non-pentatonic (with one exception) Ventures - style band. No PA unless we have a guest singer (usually the drummer from Lindy Fralin's band), mostly just guitars, chords and amps with a slight touch of delay and reverb (with exceptions!) I joke with the audiences sometimes that we're the only Norman Greenbaum tribute band in Virginia because we're probably the only band that plays his one and only hit. For the same reason we're also a Bobby Fuller tribute band as well as some other oneders. It's my third childhood.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. Craig alerted me that someone has re-registered an instrument I parted with and he wanted to know if that Broadcaster really has Both George and Leo's signatures on it. Attached are some pictures of that fine instrument which, of all the ones I've sold, is the only one I feel I'd ever want back - not because of its historical value, cool as it is, but rather because it has God's Own Tone and Playability. As a mojo parallel in the world of acoustic guitars, think "pre-War Martin". Anyway, here's a look. Enjoy!

Sorry, I'm having trouble sizing the pix to load directly. Please click the link. If somebody'd like to drag 'em in properly, please do.

Cheers and best wishes,

Cinder ... 040712653/

Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:39 am

Good to see folks from the old's to new days also :cheers:

I'd want that back too, here's the pics inline:





Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:04 am

Hey Cinder!

Glad to see yer name pop up here and even better that all seems to be doing well. Your band plays a great mix of tunes, way cool.

Thanks for sharing the piece of history. What G&L's do you still have these days?

Come around more often, your input was always informative and FUN! :D

Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:51 am

Hey Cinder,
I'm relatively new here and so far I've not made a great deal of friends, but certainly have enjoyed the atmosphere. Purchased a Classic from a member and that's about it.
I've spoken to Lindy several times on the phone about pickups, and knew he had a band, but have never heard them. Sounds like you and the gang are knocking em out with the beach music. BTW, that Broadcaster looks killer.
Stay in touch and welcome back

Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:06 am


Welcome back! And that is the G&L in the pocket! My word, what a beauty … Can believe you'd want that back.

- Jos

Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:32 am

sweet Bcaster !! ... pretty darn cool with both signetures

Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:39 pm

Elwood, thanks for the tech assist. I second your toast.
Sam, I'm down to one G&L, a Tribute Legacy, which I use as backup to the worst pos ever foisted upon a gullible public. On its own the tone is fairly bland. However, it sounds perfect in the mix and it has the right "look". It's a Fender AVRI Jazzmaster in antique white, tinted neck, tortoise guard. Yes, we do have a great song list and many songs are complex enough and w/ enough key changes that I use unRealBook extensively.
Gentlemanjim, seeing that you hail from the south you should know there's a world of difference between surf and beach music! I'd love to play in a beach music band as well, but then you need horns, keys, PA, - lots of overhead and not enough good gigs to pay the freight. Lindy's band is the Bop Cats. Great rockabilly and such.
Jos and fumbles, thanks for the concurrence. All y'all know how to make a guy feel welcome!



Re: Broadcaster w/ Leo's and George's Sigs

Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:11 pm

#252 was just listed on ebay...