Neck pocket finish cracking

Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:48 am

Hey guys,
So I've had my '85 Superhawk for a week now. Honestly I can't believe I've never owned one, this guitar plays and sounds like nothing I've ever laid my hands on before. That being said, last night while I was playing I noticed some very ( almost undetectable) hairline cracks at the top of the neck pocket as well as from the top of the neck plate around the top of the pocket. Again very hard to see unless you are looking. I don't recall them there before so I'm assuming that it's due to the change in the guitars surroundings. The store it's been in for the last 30 years is pretty even temped and very well humidified and my house couldn't be more of a swing in climate and it's often very dry in the winter with heat and all. I was curious if any of you older model owners have any pictures of surface cracking/checking or other due to age and or climate changes you guitars go thru. Thanks, I'll be curious to see.

Re: Neck pocket finish cracking

Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:39 am


The neck pocket's surrounding wood is delicate and the finish was most likely cracked during neck removal at some time.The neck pockets on the Leo era guitars are tighter than a drum and damage is very possible. It is possible that environmental conditions caused this but if that was the case I feel I would see more of this.
If the room you are keeping your guitar in is too dry then fill up a bucket of water, place it near your stuff and get some humidity in there.

Hairline finish cracks are not uncommon and will not keep you from enjoying that beautiful G&L. I have never owned that model or seen one in that condition.



Re: Neck pocket finish cracking

Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:51 am

Got her into a cooler location and after about an hour you can't even see the cracks anymore. Expansion and contraction is crazy stuff!