Marshall MG10

Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:47 pm

Anybody have this amp? I bought it because I spent the rest of my income tax on the guitar, but I wanted the MG15FX. Anyway, the guitar arrived with the amp. I played with it for a bit and the guitar had a severe tone problem. It's a Tribute Series Legacy and the top tone knob caused it to sound "chimey" and the notes weren't even recognizable. I had it sent back because I believe it has either a cold solder joint, loose ground wire or a bad pot.

I was fooling around with the amp today (without the cable in it of course) and when I turn it on, it makes a.. Well, the usual sound an amp makes when you turn it on. That low "boom" sound. And then it has a very quiet "hum" sound along with a quiet sound like boiling water.

The sound stays the same on the clean channel when I adjust the volume and on the distortion side, the boiling water sound gets louder as I add more gain. These things seem normal to me, but if you think it could have something to do with the guitar not sounding like it should, perhaps I sent back the wrong equipment!

Test was done without the cable plugged in. With the cable in, you get a louder buzz sound like you would if u touched the other end of the cable. Again, the amp is brand new as I ordered it with the guitar.

Re: Marshall MG10

Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:30 pm

Actually the MG10 is a pretty good little practice amp. Especially for the 70.00 ballpark price is sells for. That boiling sound you're hearing is most probably the background hiss that's inherent in the amp being amplified as you turn the gain up. If you like the way the amp sounds (did you check with another guitar?) then keep it. Otherwise there are many good deals to be had. But first it sounds like you need to find a nice Tribute. Call John at the Buffalo Brothers and have him fix you up with a nice one. Happy hunting.

Re: Marshall MG10

Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:24 pm

thanks, jonc. I figured the amp sounded normal so it's definitely a bunked guitar then. I sent it back and they're sending me a replacement guitar, I'll get a pic up when it arrives... and when I find a camera. :D