David Grissom

Fri May 09, 2014 2:00 pm

David Grissom has always been one of my favorite guitar players. Three notes, you know it's him, absolutely unique style..... He has a guitar course out now on truefire. I downloaded it, the result was major frustration, because this man is stellar (and I am not...:-( ) but it's worth all the twenty bucks or so.... this guy is smart too... and hell, he has stellar tone... and no, I am not advertising for nobody. I am just really impressed.

Re: David Grissom

Fri May 09, 2014 9:28 pm

I like his style of guitar playing. I discovered him via PRS demos. He walks and chews gum very well. I listen for his guitar playing and could not tell you the name of a song. I jumped on that course pre-ordering it. I downloaded everything when it was released this week but I have not had time to look at it other than the Intro used to announced it. I will check it out this weekend.

Re: David Grissom

Sat May 10, 2014 2:32 pm

Now having watched a little of it I am so pleased to see a guy that is able to describe exactly what he does to get the sound in his playing. Some musicians are good beyond their ability to understand what they do themselves let alone to convey it other people. Grissom has a knack for describing what, how and why using minimal words and demonstrations to get the point across. I was impressed with his PRS clinics. As an instructor teaching his own style of playing I have not seen anyone as good at it.

If you think you might like a sort of country-blues using hybrid picking, double stops and pedal steel licks with a big fat dark and raunchy tone listen to some of David Grissom's music.





Re: David Grissom

Sat May 10, 2014 3:56 pm

Salmon, have you seen the Storyville live DVD? Shows David with a super tight band, everybody really complementing each other... Really recommendable!

Re: David Grissom

Sat May 10, 2014 6:52 pm

I had not heard of it until you mentioned it. I was probably exposed to it when exploring Grissom material online but I have mainly looked for his guitar playing and not paid attention to songs or albums. I didn't make a mental note that he was in a band called Storyville. I wasn't able to locate the DVD version to purchase anywhere online. Someone uploaded each video track to Youtube but the quality isn't good with the balance to one side among other things. I'll keep looking. I did see that it is available in audio and listened to a few track samples. Sounds good as a CD but I would like to see him playing. It used to be common for cameramen to focus on the picking hand of guitar players. Fortunately people filming Grissom seem to be drawn to his frethand.

EDIT: I guess all of the CD's are actually a double CD with a DVD? I was able to locate it and ordered a new copy from CD Baby.

Thanks for the recommendation.